Saturday, January 18, 2014

Are You Unintentionally Sabotaging Your Diet?

By Iris Hance

Everybody knows that the most effective foods we can eat are whole grains, lean meats and healthy fats. These foods load us with protein and energy. They help our bodies be balanced without infusing a bunch of calories that we will need to work extra hard to burn off at the gym. Did you know however that a number of the diet foods you've been eating may have been hindering your ability to lose weight? They can also be making you gain more weight! Here are a number of the foods that might be undermining your diet attempts.

You aren't actually aided by Sports Drinks. You've likely been thinking that the sports drink is the best way to help your body feel much better after a workout. Most doctors will tell you, though, that if your exercise routine isn't going to go over ninety minutes then you ought to be fine just by drinking water. Sports drinks are filled with calories and sugar and a bunch of other stuff like artificial flavors and colors that will defeat any of your attempts at eating a natural and healthy diet. Instead, look at sipping some chocolate milk. Your body utilizes the sugar inside the chocolate for muscle tissue repair and everyone knows how good milk is for you.

You do not need protein shakes. Lots of people believe that protein shakes can be utilized in place of meals and to curb cravings between meals. What you're actually doing, especially if the majority of your diet consists of whole and healthy foods, is helping your body overdose on protein. Converse to common belief, protein isn't really stored as muscle tissue fiber, it is stored as fat. This implies that should you have taken in an excessive amount of protein during the day your body stores what it doesn't need in your fat, which won't help you lose weight or inches at all.

Pre-packaged deli meat isn't nearly as good for you as you might believe that it is. You may possibly imagine that a sandwich made of whole wheat bread and pre-packaged lean deli meat makes for a good lunch. Actually, pre-packaged deli meat has way too many preservatives as well as sodium (one serving contains about a third of the amount of sodium you should eat in a day). This is going to be particularly dangerous if you are at risk of contracting heart disease. Instead of selecting deli meat, select home grilled chicken or other poultry or fresh deli meat that you can get sliced at the deli counter. Sure these are generally the more expensive options but they are rather a lot healthier for you.

There are a wide range of things that we think will help us lose weight like eating a whole wheat bagel each morning but the truth is that eating a bowl of oatmeal sprinkled with cinnamon is a lot better for our health and waist lines. Ask your medical professional exactly what the best methods for you to eat healthfully are and then follow those directions. If you are mindful about precisely what you take in and treat your body well, losing weight should not be that big of an issue for you!

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