Friday, April 22, 2016

Information On Womens Health Reno

By Sarah Graham

Men and women usually suffer from many health conditions. Women, however, have more complicated issues which need keen attention. Unlike the olden days, however, medical care has improved meaning that women are more able to manage their health. The following, therefore, are details on womens health Reno.

One of the leading diseases which affect women in Reno is breast cancer. According to research, the rate at which this disease is affecting women is on the rise. Scientists have not yet established the underlying cause of this type of cancer but have recommended that women have regular checks done. The reason for this is that this type of cancer is easily treatable and manageable during its early stages.

Most women are also prone to cervical cancer, which has claimed the lives of many women. The causes for this disease include the HPV virus, getting involved with too many sexual partners, taking family planning pills or even smoking. Women are advised to have regular pelvic exams to prevent uncontrollable growth of the cervical cells.

Ectopic pregnancies are also one of the health issues experienced by females. This is the type of pregnancy which occurs in the fallopian tubes other than in the uterus. It can be brought about as a result of one having a history of such as pregnancy and it can also be due to surgeries that interfere with the nature of these tubes. Treatment of this condition is usually through medication or surgery.

Most women also suffer from Postmenstrual Syndrome (PMS) during their periods. The physical symptoms of this include the tenderness of breasts and bloating. These females also tend to have severe mood swings and are easily angered. The specific cause of this condition is not known but scientists assume that it is as a result of the mixing of the sex hormones and some brain chemicals.

Of importance to note concerning womens health are cases of sexually transmitted diseases. It helps for ladies to have regular checks done on them since a majority of these infections do not portray any significant symptoms until the later stages. The most pronounced ones among ladies are HPV and genital herpes, just to mention a few. One effective way of preventing them is having protected sex.

Also, menopause is the term used to define the time in the life of a woman when their menstrual cycle stops permanently. This does not, however, take place instantly, but takes some bit of time. There is no test to predict when a woman will get her menopause as some get it as early as the age of 30 and as late as 60 years old. Women may experience hot flashes, vaginal bleeding, and mood changes, just to mention a few. The treatment for this is unique for each woman.

In conclusion, there are very many issues relating to the health of women and cannot all be listed down doctors in Reno advice women to always be aware and in control of their bodies and in so doing, they will prevent very many conditions that would have even cost them their lives.

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