Sunday, June 4, 2017

Safeguarding Your Health With Your Gynecologist

By Catherine Reynolds

A gynecologist deals specifically with women's health. This can be anything from birth control to hysterectomies. There are many things that can come up in the health of a woman. The reproductive system is a major part of a woman's health, and it is important that it is well-cared for. Sometimes women have personal, religious, or political views that cause them to make or not make certain decisions when it comes to their health. If you live in America, you have the best gynecologist Roanoke for proper check.

Do you need to see a gynecologist or can your family doctor help you? A family doctor or nurse practitioner can help most women with all of the general questions and concerns that they have about their reproductive health. Whether it is birth control, premenstrual syndrome, questions about pregnancy or menopause, the doctor you see for your general medical needs can assist and treat you as required.

If you fear the thought of a gynecological visit, you are not the only one. Some women are so afraid that they avoid going altogether. This can be a huge problem because it is the early detection of medical conditions that can prevent them from becoming more serious. Early detection can make it possible for various kinds of cancer to be treated as well as sexually transmitted diseases and problems such as infections and endometriosis.

There are some patients who are afraid that the exam that they will undergo, the Pap test, will be painful. While it is not a test that is anything to look forward it, it is generally not uncomfortable either. Unless there is something amiss with your sexual health, the potential that you will experience pain is very little.

They can also provide counseling about birth control. If you want to discuss PMS or irregular periods you have been experiencing, a nurse practitioner or primary health care provider is the one to do that with. You do not require a gynecologist for these concerns.

Your primary care doctor may decide after seeing you that you should be referred to a gynecologist. For example, if a patient has received an abnormal result on a Pap test she may be referred for a colposcopy, which identifies abnormalities. From there, she will be sent to a woman's specialist for the treatment that is needed to remove the abnormal tissue.

During Your Exam: A gynecological exam will usually consist of a pap smear, a pelvic examination, and usually a breast examination. While the doctor is performing these examinations, be sure to speak up if you feel anything that concerns you. Do you feel pain in a certain area when the doctor is performing one of the exams? Bring it up right then, so the doctor can pay extra attention to the area.

You should see your doctor for regular Pap tests once a year. Start having them within three years of becoming sexually active or by the time you reach 18 years of age. The Pap test is generally part of a routine pelvic examination performed by the doctor. It is done to look for any changes in the cells found in the cervix.

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