Thursday, September 7, 2017

7 Occasions When You Should See Your Obgyn Reno

By Gregory Fox

A gynecologist or obstetrician is a reproductive health professional, who specializes in treating women. Whether you are an adult or female teenager, it is important that you see an obgyn Reno, whether on a regular basis or from time to time. What determines this is life your situation and circumstances. Here are those cases where it will be a good idea to consult this doctor.

It is important that you see an obstetrician when you first become sexually active. The doctor will examine you to ensure that your overall health is okay. They will check your vital signs and even carry out a pelvic exam. If you want, they can also put you on birth control. It is important to have this exam before you reach your twenty's, to make sure that everything is okay with your body.

If you discover that you are pregnant or you suspect that you are, see a doctor for a confirmation. If the test comes out positive, the doctor will put you on vitamins that are essential to the growth of your baby. You will need to see the doctor from time to time until the day of your delivery. Therefore, having a dedicated obstetrician for this purpose is important.

It is essential that you organize to see the doctor once annually or once every couple of years. The doctor will carry out a wellness check to ensure that everything is okay with you. This is important, particularly if you are an older woman. Part of these checks includes conducting pap smears. This will alert you in case you have cervical cancer.

If you notice any irregular bleeding, go to the doctor immediately. This is any bleeding that is outside your menstrual cycle. It could be bleeding when you are having sex or after you have passed menopause. This could be a sign that all is not well with you. Also, if you notice any bleeding during pregnancy, go and see your doctor.

If your vagina is itching, you should see a doctor. This can be quite uncomfortable. It could be that you have an infection. The sooner that it is treated, the better since you will be able to resume your daily life. It will also make it easier and quicker to treat the condition than if you let it fester for longer.

If you notice changes in your blood flow or if your periods become irregular, see a doctor. This includes when your periods become lighter or heavier than they usually are. When you notice these changes during menopause, it is important that you also see a doctor.

It is important that you undergo breast examination every once in a while. This is to reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. This is very important if there is a history of breast cancer in your family. Also, if you are over forty years old, it is important that you get these regular examinations. If the situation is caught in advance, it will be much easier to deal with the disease than if it is caught when it has severely deteriorated.

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