Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Basic Principles Regarding Back Pain Loveland Residents May Find Beneficial

By Frank Burns

Back pain is a common symptom, particularly among individuals actively involved in manual and office work. It usually occurs as a result of putting strain to the spine over a long period of time. This symptom can be prevented by observing certain measures such as sitting properly in a comfortable chair for individuals who spend long hours at the office. The problem rarely occurs in children and the elderly and when it does happen, it should be thoroughly investigated to rule out any alarming conditions. If struggling with back pain Loveland residents should understand a number of things beforehand.

The lower spine begins from where the twelfth rib ends to the upper margins of buttocks. Pain can occur anywhere along this region. It could either involve the bony spine located in the mid-line or the surrounding soft tissues including muscles, ligaments and nerves. Commonly, discomfort occurs at the lower spine region because it is the region that bears the most weight. The upper region is less likely to be involved due to strain as the weight is transmitted to the lower areas.

As is the case for any medical condition, history taking is important in the diagnostic process. Failure to take a good history may result in misdiagnosis or inadequate management for symptoms that remain concealed. The main secret to obtaining a satisfactory history is establishing a good relationship between the patient and the doctor. If there is no tension between the two, the patient will be willing to share all the relevant details as requested by the doctor.

In the history, they will need to know more about the symptom characteristics. Different features regarding the pain need to be established including the exact location, the severity, relieving factors, exacerbating factors and whether or not it is limited to one area or radiates to other areas. It is also important to establish the onset, duration and pattern. Your age and occupation will also need to be known as these can also give a clue on the possible causes.

Documentation of history begins with biodata which includes the full names of a patient, their age, where they live, what they do for a living, their marital status, among other relevant personal questions. Once this is out of the way, a good amount of time is needed to establish the characteristics of the main presenting complaint.

Pain may occur either as an isolated symptom or can be accompanied by other complaints depending on the underlying cause. For instance, if the cause is an infection or an inflammatory condition, the patient may also have a fever. If this is the case, there is a need to identify the cause of such an infection. Persons with a history of pulmonary tuberculosis, for example, are likely to get the infection in their spine if the primary disease is not adequately treated.

Patients who report unintended weight loss could be suspected to have an underlying tumor. Other symptoms suggestive of cancer include night sweats, fatigue, positive family history and a long duration of symptoms. Road traffic accidents victims are likely to complain of acute backache if the spine was directly involved. With severe cases where the spinal cord is involved, there may be associated paralysis of limbs.

A patient who has a fever in addition to the main complaint most likely has an infection. One of the infection that could affect the spine is tuberculosis which usually spreads from the lungs through the blood system. Night sweats, fatigue and weight loss occurring concurrently could be indicative of cancer.

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