Friday, September 14, 2018

Here's Why Having Therapeutic Massage York PA Spas Offer Encourages Weight Reduction

By Lisa Wilson

Some massages provide relaxation. Then there are those that offer certain health benefits. Currently, a lot of people who like to lose some weight undergo therapeutic massage York PA spas are offering. If right now you are frustrated that dieting and exercising do not seem to yield any favorable result, continue reading.

Many people are well aware that lack of exercise and excessive intake of foods are responsible for unintended weight gain. While they are correct in thinking so, the truth is there are a bunch of other things that can be responsible for the accumulation of excess pounds. Sadly, not a lot of people are familiar with those.

According to experts, something that can be held accountable for weight gain is stress. The truth is being stressed from time to time is perfectly normal. However, it is a completely different story if stress is encountered all of the time. This is especially true if it's the severe kind. Medical authorities say that high levels of stress can cause so many complications, and one of them is unintended gaining of weight.

This can be blamed on the fact that too much stress can make you an emotional eater. Also known as stress eating at times, it can leave you craving food just to feel some comfort. Put simply, it can make you get rid of any negative emotion stress is giving you only after you put a lot of food in your mouth.

What makes being an emotional eater a complete figure wrecker is that it causes you to want only sugary and fatty foods. Everybody knows that weight gain can result from the excessive intake of sweet and greasy treats. This is especially true if you are also leading a sedentary lifestyle. About 3,500 calories, according to fitness authorities, is equivalent to 1 pound. So in other words, you are likely to be 7 pounds heavier by the end of the week if you are consuming a total of 3,500 calories per day.

Stress can also wreak havoc to the hormones of the body, and that's another reason why getting rid of those unwanted pounds can be quite challenging. Health authorities confirm that hormonal imbalance stemming from chronic stress can lead to the accumulation of fatty tissues in the abdominal area. This happens in order to safeguard your vital organs because your body thinks that you are in danger even when you're not.

The problem with fat in the midsection is it can be very stubborn. It may not go away easily even if you are doing hundreds of crunches, planks and sit ups per day. Needless to say, the only thing that can encourage excess fat in the midsection to go away is by restoring proper hormonal levels through effective stress management.

Getting therapeutic massages on a regular basis can help lower your stress. Eventually, the levels of hormones in your body will return to normal. Once that is attained, you will find it easier to lose weight through healthy eating habits and regular exercising.

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