Sunday, December 9, 2018

Being Prepared For A Sucking Chest Wound

By Thomas Smith

The first thing to understand about this kind of an injury is that actually creates an entirely new pathway for the air to follow. This is something that is so unreal to many people that it is hard for them to even imagine it. For that reason, it is a good idea to get to know what a sucking chest wound is so that you will be prepared to deal with it if that time ever comes.

Generally, this is something that happens when someone is shot or stabbed in the chest. It is much rarer to create a sucking wound any other way, but it can still happen. If the injury is deep enough, it is a possibility.

What most people are worried about when they suffer this type of injury is a collapsed lung. It is not difficult for this to happen after being injured in this way. That's why you should always seek medical attention as soon as possible in order to avoid the risk of going into shock, at which point the chances of survival drop significantly. It is much easier to correct the issue before it has gotten this bad.

It might be hard to understand how this issue can be corrected considering how serious it is. The main thing that has to be accomplished is allowing some of the air to keep going in, while preventing air from escaping out of the puncture. This is definitely not an easy task, so it is something for the professionals to handle.

When you are injured in this way, you might expect to be able to hear a sound when the air passes through. This is only natural because people are familiar with the breathing sounds that our noses and mouths make. Sometimes, however, these types of wounds can be silent or unable to be heard by the unaided human ear, so you should always just assume that it is a very serious injury.

The first thing you should always do in this type of situation is call the emergency services. No matter how many helpful online articles you read, these dispatchers and the EMTs who come will know what to do better than any of these sources. If the operator has given you instructions, they should be followed rather than anything else you might hear or read.

A good technique to use in emergency situations is to take a sheet of plastic and tape it around the injury. Of course, something as clean as possible or even sterile is best. The wrappings from sterile bandages are a good thing to use if they are available.

Many people tend to panic when circumstances like these arise. This is one of the worst things that you can do since it makes it so much harder to think clearly when your mind is jumping from thought to thought without resolving any of them. Taking a deep breath is a great thing to do when this happens.

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