Friday, January 11, 2019

The Boons And Benefits Of The Mona Lisa Touch

By Melissa Taylor

The most famous painting worldwide, hanging in the halls of the Louvre, is a testament to the strength, beauty, maybe mystery, of women. Or perhaps the creators of this technology we are going to discourse about today were just looking for a fancy name for their product. Anyway, lets get on to Mona Lisa Touch Santa Monica.

Menopause is a word that gets thrown around every now and then. Its dreaded by women who see it as a rite of passage, and by men who care nothing more than its related symptomatic terrible mood swings. However, it also actually has ramifications to a womans general health and well being.

In this condition, the walls and linings of the reproductive area become thinner. Blood supply is reduced, and natural elasticity is affected, bringing along in its wake discomfort and pain. The natural state of the body, like that of pH balance, is disturbed. An instance is the loss of hydration and lubrication, which affects the protective mucosa.

Some symptoms include vaginal atrophy, laxity, dryness, and general others. For women who still feel young and sprightly, that may be rightly seen as an unacceptable sign of degeneration. In order to reverse these biological and hormonal changes, they tap on the science behind the MLT.

The medical laser pulse goes all the way thoroughly. Both the epithelial or the surface tissue, and the lamina, or deep tissues, are stimulated. As per the science, the targeted light beams penetrate these tissues and generate small wounds in epithelia or surface tissues, that which triggers collagen production.

Not only post menopausal women experience these symptoms. In fact, younger persons in frequent use of contraceptive pills, those who have perineal wounds or scarring, or else post birthing and breastfeeding mothers also experience them. The subset of women who need this treatment is therefore anything but negligible.

The MLT is performed by gynecologists, some obstetricians, and even general physicians. Its done through an in office procedure and even requires no anesthesia. Since its only minimally invasive, its virtually painless and generally causes no discomfort, although some patients report feeling so the first time around. They aver that the actual treatment is not at all painful or uncomfortable.

The MLT itself also depends on the responsibility and the willingness of the patient. After all, at most three sessions are required for its effectiveness, and after those, annually. There are also treatment protocols to be adhered to.

That includes its minimum downtime. Women can immediately return to their daily lifestyle, and wouldnt have to think about the next session set in the next six weeks. It is also less worrying to anxious women, as no anesthesia is needed, establishing the fact that its generally painless. Lastly, it has been proven free of side effects, and safe for cancer survivors and other people whose state of health is at a crisis.

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