Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Guarana And Weight Loss

Expert Author Darryl Swain 
 Guarana And Weight Loss 
Guarana And Weight Loss

Guarana is actually a shrub that bears bright-red fruit. It has black seeds that are rich in a substance called guaranine that is much like caffeine. Its seeds also have tannin, theobromine and theophylline alkaloids.
Why Guarana for losing weight?
This is a good question to ask yourself prior to trying it. The effectiveness and safety for this product wasn't discovered out of the blue. It underwent some research before it was recommended for human use. Before elaborating why this product is good for you, an overview of research conducted on this product might help remove the doubt that you may have regarding the product. Below, obtain the results of the investigation.
Research which was conducted on rats for a period of Fourteen days proved the efficiency of Guarana. It was discovered that the guarana supplement enabled the rats to burn off more fat. This result is associated with the guaranine that guarana contains. A controlled study regarding the usage of decaffeinated guarana gave negative results on fat loss.
With the above results, it is evident that this is a great product that can solve weight problems. There are no side-effects since it's an all natural product. Caution however really should be taken by those who are sensitive to caffeine and xanthenes because product may not work to their advantage. They should consult qualified physicians before they use it. I do know of caffeine-sensitive folks who make use of it after having seen a doctor.
Another study study was conducted on 67 average individuals. The research was conducted at St. Luke's- Roosevelt Hospital Center and the results were reported in March, 2001. The results indicated that those that completed the study successfully could lose extra fat and weight.
Exactly why is guarana effective?
The potency of caffeine is attributed to guaranine. As mentioned previously, this supplement is rather comparable to caffeine. Caffeine is well-know as being an hunger suppressor. The underlying principle in the usage of guarana for weight loss is clear; it will lessen thee desires for food - hence you simply won't overeat. It is advisable to take the Guarana supplements before food given it can lead to a reduction of caloric intake since less food is consumed. Guarana also is a diuretic. By consuming it, the person urinates more. This may lead to a reduction of weight. It also works by boosting the metabolic rate, which in turn causes the burning of more calories, as demonstrated from the experiment which had been conducted on the rats.
If you want to use the guarana, never exceed the prescribed dosage because it may harm the body. It is recommended that you consult a certified physician to assist you in the right dosage. The standard guarana supplement may have 800mg of guarana, which can cause different results a variety of people. For an individual, 800mg might be an excessive dose. This may cause an individual to assume that guarana wouldn't help them. Therefore, to avoid confusion as well as for the best results, please follow the prescription. Generally, guarana is an excellent substance.

3 Ways to Stay Out of a Stroke Center


3 Ways to Stay Out of a Stroke Center

3 Ways to Stay Out of a Stroke Center

If you want to stay healthy and avoid visiting a stroke center, you're going to have to take some preventative steps. Lifestyle habits have a profound impact on our wellbeing. If we adopt healthy habits, we are more likely to remain strong and live a comfortable life. Following these 3 rules can make a difference.
The first rule for living a vibrant, healthy life is to pay attention to what you eat. We've all heard the saying that we are what we eat and it is truer than ever. If you fill your plate with lean protein, plenty of fruits and veggies, multi-grain breads and cereals, and drink mostly water, you are going to be in better physical shape on a multitude of levels. Not only will your body be slimmer, your brain will function more efficiently. Your cardiovascular systems will remain clog-free and your need for a stroke center will be greatly reduced. If you do the opposite and consume fat-filled processed foods, you will be paving your own path with poison. But don't cut out the chocolate; eaten in moderate amounts, chocolate has actually been shown to lessen the risk of diabetes, strokes, and depression.
The second rule for avoiding visiting a stroke center is to incorporate exercise into your life. Exercise can help you maintain an ideal weight for your bone structure and genetic predisposition. Being at your optimum weight lowers your blood pressure and reduces your risks of heart problems. Getting enough exercise can not only help you burn calories and burn fat, it can improve your mood, fine tune your digestive system, and keep your bones strong. You don't have to become a marathon runner or a gym rat to get into great shape. Taking your dog for a daily walk around the neighborhood, strolling with your sweetheart after dinner on a nightly basis, or joining a bowling league can do the trick.
The third step is to continually ask yourself the following question: "What would Mother Teresa do?" Sometimes, we don't always make the wisest choices for our wellbeing but a saint-like, agenda-free woman who has dedicated her life to helping others sure would. Ask her: should you take your heart medicine? Should you give up smoking cigarettes? Should you incorporate stress-relieving self-care tactics into your everyday life? Should you get regular physical exams? You know what Mother Teresa would say, so listen up. Take your heart meds, put down the cigarettes, practice stress-relieving self-care tactics, and go to the doctor.
If you want to avoid becoming a patient at a stroke center, you're going to have to take some preventative action. In order to stay healthy, follow the 3 rules of healthy living. Eat right, get enough exercise, and bring Mother Teresa into your decision making process.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7681919

How To Make Your Life Healthier With Proper Juicing

How To Make Your Life Healthier With Proper Juicing
How To Make Your Life Healthier With Proper Juicing
It is best that your body takes in essential nutrients. With these substances, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, it can be a problem if you are not eating properly. It can be due to your body type, your lifestyle or a case of illness. Because of this, it may be useful for you to know how to juice properly. Juicing some fruits and vegetables will be a big help for any person. It can be used to maintain a well nourished body. If you want to keep your body in better shape, then you can start juicing some fruits. You may read some of our tips today to help you get started.
Juicing fruits and vegetables is a good way to consume them. If you are not able to eat with chewing and proper digestion, then you can drink it. You can easily consume a lot of these food items if you can drink their juiced version. In some cases, it can also be a choice to improve digestion. This way, you can directly access the vitamins and minerals from such foods. What are the basic reasons behind juicing? First, a person may need to consume more fruits than he normally can. This is ideal if you have been eating regular food items. But in some cases, it could be easier and faster to simply drink your foods. Second, it is possible that you have a health condition. This means you need to consume liquid versions of foods. You may have some forms of digestive problems. Therefore, you need to take liquid foods only. Lastly, juicing will optimize the nutrients that you can take. This means having the best raw nutrients from foods.
Proper juicing of fruits and vegetables is easy. For fruits, you can simply use a juicer especially for those citrus fruits. You can pick oranges and lemons for this purpose. However, even other fleshy and hard fruits can be juiced up. Some of them are peaches and apples. On the other hand, you can simply use a blender or food processor for vegetables. They tend to have a different texture compared to fruits. It means you need additional power to refine the vegetables. You do not need to worry because there are equipment that can do this for you.
When you juice your fruits and veggies, make sure to have it in a sanitary way. You can use your hands to squeeze the fruits but take care of the cleanliness. This means washing your hands before preparing your fruits. You also need to wash them first before slicing. This way, you can avoid any contamination in those food items.
After you have acquired the juices, you can then add flavors to it. Some people prefer to put sugar or honey. You can also add other flavors for example vanilla. This way, you can easily enjoy the fruit juices while getting the best benefits from them. Make sure to follow our tips here for better health.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stop Saying "I'm Sorry"

Several years ago, I went to lunch with a colleague of mine whom I really respect, and hadn't seen in some time. She is bright, articulate and has done very well in her financial career. She asked me what I had been up to the past few years, in my business and my family.
When I got done filling her in, she surprised me by saying, "Can I give you some feedback?" To be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted to hear it, but I replied, "Sure."
And she said, "Stop saying you're sorry for everything. It really takes away from your story and more importantly your power. Since we've been sitting here, twice you've apologized, once for going on too long with a story, and second for what you considered a "rant". You don't need to do that."
And since then, I've tried to be very conscious about not apologizing for things that don't require an apology and other personal offenses such as, "I'm really sorry for bringing this up", or "I know this is a really stupid question", or "I hate to ask you, but.."
Now, there certainly are times when saying "I'm sorry" is warranted. That's when we've hurt someone's feelings, or missed an appointment, or after an argument and such, but apologizing for taking up too much space, or too much time, or too much airtime, is totally unnecessary.
And this unfortunate, silly little habit is primarily used by women. I noticed it today in my networking group. One of the members (a female) had a lot of great stuff going on with her business and she had shared longer than usual, but not at all an inappropriate amount of time. After she got done, she said, "Oh, I'm really sorry to have gone on so long, so sorry".
And for me, that little apology totally negated all the really powerful things she had accomplished in the last two weeks of her business. It made her look small and I'm sure made her feel small by saying it.
Start noticing when and where you are saying "I'm sorry" and try to discern where the habit came from. How does it make you feel when you do it? The first step to changing this bad habit is to notice.
And men, I'm asking you to please kindly point out to all the women in your life, when you catch them apologizing for something that does not require an apology.
So women, PLEASE stop apologizing for taking up space, or air time or when you refuse requests you don't want to do. Because when you do, what you're really saying to the world is "I'm sorry for being me".

Achieving Absolute Success With Unlimited Brain Power


People have never known how great brain power can be. No matter how low your brainpower is, if you work on the ways to make it improve, in the long run, you will do things that you will never thought you will able to. But how do you get to improve your brain and control the way you behave? This is a hidden trick that is known to only few individuals.
The scientists have already done several researches and they have proven beyond reasonable doubts that the human brain is far much malleable than it was known in past days. The surroundings of your living area can mend or change your brain to behave in such a manner that there is supper functionality.
As per the research that has been done by different learning institutions practice and regular exercises can improve the skills and work that can be performed by the brain. Through practice, you will stand a better chance to improve the way you plan life and as well organize your work. The researches have also shown that, if you train your mind, you will have the ability to multi-task. Multi-tasking is a rare gift to very many people. The way your brain behaves can also be influenced by the food that you take.
Brain power can also be improved by activities like listening to music. It is the power of music. By listening to music, you develop emotional drive that gets deep into your nerve, brain and influence the way you feel, your personality and behavior. The cognitive performance can also be boosted by activities such as playing games. The same effect can greatly be realized through the act of meditating.
Mind control is also achieved through activities such as solving puzzles. Brain teasers also have a major role to play in your life towards boosting the way you think and act. If you learn to enjoy optical illusions, paradoxes among others, you will not realize how powerful your brain will be. You will get a better inclination towards certain way of thinking. This is an act that however comes slowly and takes effect after repeated trials.
If you block one of your senses and try to think with the other one, you will have a sense of increased brain performance. However, this is not a thing that can easily be done. One thing that you have to understand is that regular practicing will eventually make you be able to block even three of your senses and only act with two.
Sometimes one gets so many questions in life and he or she wonders where he will actually ever get the answers to these questions. If you try to ask yourself rhetorical questions and then find the answers to them on how life is, you will increase the power of your brain. Finally, you will manage to have control over your brain. You will even find ways through which you can influence yourself to be happy and avoid things that make you be stressed. That is how great brain power can be.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7665515

Empowering Yourself With Subliminal Mind Control


Subliminal mind control through the use of the subliminal messages has proven to work perfectly well for some individual. On the other hand, some people do not really believe that the mind control techniques do work. However, research from various learning institution and stake holders have shown that subliminal mind control can play a major role in your life.
Basically, what happens when it comes to the subliminal mind control is that subliminal messages are sent below the threshold that our conscious minds can actually percept. The subliminal messages can take any form. It can be in the form of olfactory, visual and as well sound. The reason as to why the subliminal messages are acting at all times in your life is due to the fact that you are surrounded by massive messages in your living areas. Such messages are collected and sent to your subconscious mind without your knowledge. After that, the same messages will be recorded and registered in your mind. With time, you will begin to change the way you act, behave or think. This is due to the shift of belief in your mind due to the new adopted messages.
People are now aware that using subliminal messages can be the best way of studying and getting information deeply stored in your mind without any element of it being erased even after a considerable period of time. The non-conscious learning is being now used as a tool for many people. The technique of photo reading greatly relies on this method.
There are great numbers of sales person who have adopted this method so as to prevent the increased case of shoplifting. People have claimed that through the subliminal technique, the theft has definitely reduced and people have made a lot of savings since they are not incurring the loss due to the act of shop theft. There are a number of offices that have already installed the system in their businesses for the purpose of inspiring personnel. Some have already bought a black box and are even using it to boost their subliminal mind control activities.
All over the globe, there are subliminal mind control devices that are being invented. People have embarked to the use of such gadgets so as to increase their intelligence. CIA is a big security firm that has endorsed the use of the subliminal messages so that they can successfully manage to take control into the activities that they are undertaking.
Some people claim, and especially those who have had the experience with the subliminal techniques that for the subliminal messages to have impact in your life, you must play it repeatedly for at least 1000 times. The playing of the messages should take place in an environment that facilitates the use of the alpha brain wave. This is important in that the message will be able to deeply penetrate your mind.
It is high time that you should also join others and try to make use of the subliminal mind control technique because even if it fails, you will lose nothing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7665526

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Private Investigation Marketing - 3 Steps To Success

Private Investigation Marketing - 3 Steps To Success

Private Investigation Marketing - 3 Steps To Succes

From the most simplistic stand point there are basically three ways to increase revenue for any Private Investigation business. These three ways include (1) increasing business from existing clients, (2) gaining new customers, and (3) increasing the prices you charge for your services.
When looking to increase the profits for your Private Investigation Business, one of the most overlooked things is right in front of you. Why not look at the existing clients you already service? In order to get repeat customers you have to make sure that the service you are providing for your clients is exceptional. You have to give them a reason to choose you again when PI services are needed.
Along those same lines, the relationships you have with you clients are also vital to your success. Building relationships with your clients is a critical necessity for repeat business.
This leads us right into the second way to increase business. Once you have established relationships with your clients, they will often times refer you to their friends and family members that are in need of a private investigator. This is a very powerful because when you hire someone based on a referral, it is as if their friend or family member who gave the referral is endorsing the company and the services you offer. Most people like to hire someone that is referred by a friend rather than going with someone they don't know.
There are also a couple more ways that you can gain new customers. One of the most obvious is through advertising. Having a website that is able to attract customers and also hold their attention is important. Also, other ways to gain traffic is to set your business up in Google Places or use PPC advertising, although PPC can be a complex system that can be complicated. When deciding on the best form of advertising it is important to remember to stand out. You have to think about the unique selling proposition that you have that will make you stand out and draw people to your company as opposed to others. It is really important to differentiate yourself because if you are not going to stand out, then spending money on advertising can be a waste of money.
The third way to increase your revenue is to increase the prices you charge for your services. In order to increase your hourly fees or pricing for your services you need to first establish yourself as an expert or a celebrity in your field of expertise. Creating yourself as an authority figure in the private investigation field is the ultimate persuasion technique that you can use to charge the highest rate. There are a number of ways that you can do this. One way is to start writing articles that you can publish in some of the trade magazines. Writing articles for publication will not only help to get your name out there, but it will help to get your name up in the search engine rankings. Also, writing a small book will help significantly to help you achieve the status of an authority figure in the field of private investigation.
Another way to increase your exposure is to utilize a service called HARO which stands for "Help A Reporter Out". This is an excellent way to establish you as an expert because when a reporter reaches out to you and uses your quote in the article, this will establish instant credibility for you and will help the public to see you as an expert in the local area. Not only will this help to increase your business, but because you are seen as an expert this will allow you to raise your rates because people are much more willing to pay for something where they foresee the value.
Once you have established that you are the foremost authority in the private investigation field, your services will be more sought after and ultimately you will be able to charge more for your services.
Knowing the best ways to achieve financial success begins with knowing how to market not only your company as a whole, but also yourself. You need to learn how to leverage your strengths in order to achieve the financial success you desire.
Paul Beauchemin from PI Profits reveals secrets of successful marketing for Private Investigators. Discover how you can grow your PI agency, know what marketing efforts create the best return on your investment, and how to dominate your investigative niche.

Features and Preview: Samsung Galaxy S IV

Features and Preview: Samsung Galaxy S IV

Features and Preview: Samsung Galaxy S IV


The rumors for the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S IV are dismissed as a final date has been announced. This Smartphone is slated to be introduced on 14 March 2013. It seems like many have been waiting for this flagship phone eagerly. However, even prior to its launch there have been speculations going on about the features, specifications and other aspects of this phone but now you need not wait any longer. Let us find out all about this new phone by Samsung.
The Screen Display
As rumors have it the screen size of this new phone is large, the display measures a full HD 5-inch screen that capacitated with the technology of super AMOLED. Additionally, the pixel density is 441ppi that makes competitive against its rivals. It seems that Samsung is all geared up to join the bandwagon of phones that resemble the Note category by making its screen larger.
Processor Performance
Processor for Galaxy S IV seems to be 1.8GHz Exynos 5 8-core processor. Samsung is all about making things better with changing times and including the best of technology in its Smartphones. All this means this Smartphone is ready to give a competition to its rivals when it comes to technology front. If all this is true then it means that the phone measures up to the technology benchmark (GT-I9500) meeting the high score in the test.
Camera Quality
When it comes to camera quality, it seems that HTC has managed to stand up for it by including a 13 MP sensor for capturing better pictures and videos. Same is expected from Samsung unless it has decided to stay out of the competition. However, it does not seem to be, instead the front facing camera will be 2MP and the rear camera is 13MP. As far as the inclusion of sensor is concerned, it is not yet confirmed.
Samsung has added an additional software Orb that is said to improve the 4.2 Photosphere an imaging software for tweaking its Camera app. Additionally, both the cameras are HD capable of producing 1080p quality. The front camera will be able to give 720p quality.
The Design
As far as the online pictures goes it seems that the Samsung Galaxy S IV looks stylish and sleek in design. However, many might agree that it seems more likely to be close to its predecessor Samsung Galaxy S III.
One more thing seems to be convincing about its design that comprise a bezel and the rear design with dotted pattern. This is the design that has been shown in Samsung Galaxy S IV's teaser video that was played on Times Square, NY. However, the resolution, weight and the measurement of the device are yet to be made official.
The Eye-tracking Technology and Eye Recognition Feature
The best thing to feature in the Samsung Galaxy S IV is the additional technology of eye-tracking. This technology will comprise several more features that include Eye Scroll that will enable scrolling down a web page when a user looks at the screen bottom. This way you need not swipe to scroll down. Additionally, the feature of Eye Recognition will be carried on in this latest version too that enables in recognizing your eyes on the screen avoiding the standby mode.
All the above said features and aspects are just the beginning to what you can expect from the Samsung Galaxy S IV.
She is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working with Qresolve as a Technical Support Engineer. Semeli Karen McPherson has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones, computer support and more. She caters to the segment of core technology and provides viable solutions to any issues related to technology and software. Her expertise and skills in handling key technology issues is immaculate and quick result bearing. Through her articles and postings she aims to provide knowledge and solutions to common technology issues that a user faces.

The iPhone Craze and the Anticipation of Apple iPhone 6

The Apple iPhone Craze.
For the past few years, Apple has provided the world with top of the line gadgets including mobile devices that cater to every imaginable consumer requirement. Although there are items out there specifically known for individual aspects of innovation such as user interface, camera quality or applications, only the iPhone product line successfully integrates the very best of each of those areas without neglecting any other part. This is one of the main reasons people get so excited about every single Apple iPhone launch.
The launch of iPhone 5 late last year was a typical Apple spectacle involving a great deal of hyped reporting: hoopla that promised the new item to be the most innovative Apple iPhone release to date. However, it seemed that while everybody was diving into this latest version, Apple was already preparing for the release of its following model, the iPhone 6.
Some believe, however, that before Apple confirms or denies the various rumors surrounding an iPhone 6 release, one more model needs to be launched beforehand. This is the Apple iPhone 5S, whose advocates anticipate its arrival by the summer (2013).
Nevertheless, over the past month or so, a bumper crop of iPhone 6 rumors has started to surface. Not just techies, but many groups of people in the mobile device industry have actually begun to proliferate these rumors, speculating on everything from iPhone 6 features, to various aspects of iPhone 6 technology. There are even those who have actually begun to offer ideas about an actual iPhone 6 release date.
Exactly what are people saying about this new line of smartphone? What might be the distinctions between the iPhone 6 design, iPhone 6 technology and previous iPhone model designs? What will make this new version of Apple's most famous product appropriate the public's attention? Below are some brief data that address these questions, as well as provide details on the most popular iPhone 6 rumors that have emerged to date.
iPhone 6 Design. Much rumor centers on the idea that the design of the iPhone 6 screen will be larger than that of its predecessor. iPhone 6 is expected to have a display screen that is around 4.2 to 4.8 inches along, with the exact same pixel resolution as the current iPhone 5 model: 1136 x 640. If rumors can be believed, the new product is reputed to be lighter compared to iPhone 5: 104 grams at 108.5 x 55.7 x 7.1 millimeters in dimension. Amongst the most popular iPhone 6 rumors is the idea that the product is going to put an end to the home button, an innovation allegedly designed to endow the model with a more universal appeal.
iPhone 6 Technology. Aside from rumors about iPhone 6 design, rumors focusing on iPhone 6's brand-new modern technology have also recently been exposed to the public. Various purported iPhone 6 innovation developments center on the introduction of a revamped iOS 7. Last but not least, the new phone is likely to feature a sensing unit that makes use of sound (rather than infrared) for both location and object proximity detection. This possibility suggests that the phone could function to provide the user with information both about phone and object location.
Bottom line?
Historically, Apple has always been a company that consistently established the standard for mobile devices with regard to ergonomic design, ingenious programming and innovative applications. The new iPhone 6 can definitely be expected to continue that tradition, while at the same time transforming the course of various other brand name designs and technologies.

Monday, April 22, 2013

9 ways to increase your popularity on Facebook

9 ways to increase your popularity on Facebook


Facebook means different things to different people, it is used to stay on the lookout for the latest updates, the practice of electronic games, share news and stories, promote brands, but what unites all those who use Facebook regularly is a desire to increase their popularity and to become loved, but the problem lies in the fact that Facebook reserves the updates and everything does not display automatically for allIncrease your popularity on FacebookThe algorithm that determines the number of people who will see the publication called "EdgeRank" and is similar to the Fund's black, no one knows exactly what are the things that make a publication that spreads on Facebook, and with that there are a few things you can adopt as a reference in order to increase your popularity on Facebook is significantly.
Be optimistic and positiveThe good news spread faster and farther than anything else on social media, psychologists interpret it that we care about how the interaction of Osaddaqaúna with what we are taking part, and where we want to be our friends are happy we prefer post things gives them a good feeling, and as a result you will be loved more if was Comments optimistic and positive.
Impressing othersStudies show that Facebook users are admirable or share content Who raises in them a reaction passionate more powerful than the rest of publications, this content also includes scientific publications that leave the reader in a state of astonishment, in addition to publications that arouse the enthusiasm of your followers or Tdghm, and although that the content is rendered raises strong emotions such as anger pays others to interact with him, but that the positive publications have a greater chance to spread.
Attracting Friends and FollowersBe positive and able to stir strong feelings in the hearts of others is of no value in the case failed to identify the concerns of friends and followers, you know what they care about land and those interests, or work on building the audience genuinely cares about what you share with them, taking into consideration the variety to be Comments and targeting different groups "of Interests hand" of friends and followers.
Increasing the scope of gravityWill not others with something just loved it, but they also want to raise the admiration of others, including share his, in other words, if I think someone that one of his close friends سيعجب including reading now, the possible participation of this person to read is quite large, so try to formulate updates Facebook artfully raises the social perception in the minds of your followers, or simply: Try to attract friends of your friends.
Be renewedAlways posting updates about new and exciting things, everyone loves entertainment and learn new things, and do not forget to add a touch of your own what you post, this would act that keeps you in the memory of others.
Use visualizationThese days people do not read anything unless provoked an address or a picture of what their attention, in order to do my effort in the search for or design image for Comments on Facebook, noted that the images you book a larger area within the latest news feed on Facebook.
BrevityWhile making an effort to add a good picture, try to reduce the number of words you use, despite the fact that Facebook does not put a limit to the number of characters, but it is preferable to your publication should not exceed 80 characters.
Interact with your friends and followersInteraction with followers makes them more Angazba to you and what you are presenting, share with others in the Comments, ask them a question, ask them to comment on the funny picture or express their opinion the question of what, more interaction means more popular.
TimeWe live in a time when everyone is busy, and all RSS news Facebook saturated updates, the best timing for your publications depends on the geographical location of your audience and their own Facebook habits, in general is on the morning of the holiday the best timing for publication.
ConclusionTo be famous and the owner of the popular Facebook requires a lot of work, plus a little skill and a lot of luck, and in general, if followed fundamental way and intelligent and learned continuously from experiences on and from the experiences of others, you will make progress as at the end of Ultimately, never give up!!

Get the key to the game Company of Heroes 2 from the company for free

Get the key to the game Company of Heroes 2 from the company for free
Key demo of the game Company of Heroes 2
It's your chance to get the key to a demo of the game Company of Heroes 2 by everyone through the company's offer Relic Entertainment across the page to Company of Heroes game on Facebook.
 Game Company of Heroes is a game of war strategy you can watch a short video about the game below.

How do you get the key demo of the game: First, turn to page width of the game Company of Heroes on Facebook and click Like and follow instructions. Then choose Adhar code where the game will reach the key.

Now I finished the first step, the second step is to download the Steam program that will download the game on your computer after you enter the code you got it.
After downloading the software in case you were not available at the expense create one was after the completion and opening نافدة main program click on the Games has been Activate a Product on Steam and paste the code you got it, where will begin the program to download the game to your computer, and congratulations to you.
Requirements of the game:
OS: Windows Vista (32bit), Windows 7
Processor: 2Ghz Intel Core2 Duo or Equivalent
Memory: 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 20GB
Video Card: 256MB Direct3D 10 capable video card (GeForce 8800 or RadeonHD 2900)

Page Display: Company of Heroes
Program site:

iPhone 6 concept shows off a large display and thin body

iPhone 6 concept shows off a large display and thin body

Another iPhone 6 render suggests a big screen and a svelte chassis

Another day, another iPhone 6 concept. The trend at the moment seems to be for making your Apple videos look as much like a real Apple commercial as possible.
Overall the handset has a thinner profile than the current iPhone 5 and a much larger display, which looks like it could be 4.7-inches, or thereabouts.
The back panel seems to still be aluminium and it retains a two-tone colouration, but it’s slightly different now with a glossy panel at the bottom and a matte finish for the top three quarters. The current iPhone has these contrasting panels at both top and bottom and a matte section in the middle.
The display doesn’t appear to be quite edge-to-edge, but the bezel is extremely narrow along the two longer edges. The punched speaker grill is still present and the Lightning connector on the bottom, however, the physical Home key has disappeared completely, suggesting some kind of gesture control.
Current rumour implies the next iPhone, to be launched in either the Summer or Autumn of this year, will be the iPhone 5S and will be an incremental update on the iPhone 5.
It’s said it’ll include multiple iPod style colour options and a fingerprint scanner under the Home key for use with some new method of mobile payment or e-wallet as its main points of appeal.
The iPhone 6 is believed to be arriving in 2014 and it’s thought it may be the debut device for Apple’s next generation A7 processor, which could be a quad-core chip.
It’s also widely reported the iPhone 6 will have a larger display, something the concept render aptly demonstrates.
It was previously thought the iPhone 5S might have a bigger display than the iPhone 5’s 4-inch Retina screen but more recent rumours would suggest it’ll remain similar to the current model in the overall shape and size.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

How do you know the person in front of you how to think?

                                               Seven signals notifying body language do you speak?

These lines give you one of the biggest keys to personal massaged
Real on what is going on in the mind of the front
1 - eyes:
You'll learn through his eyes what he thinks truth,
If the pupil of the eye and widened it seemed evident, that evidence that he heard
You just something pleased,
If the Fed pupil reverse is what happened,
If narrowed his eyes probably indicates that you told him something not believe him
If turned his eye to the top of the right hand it creates a fictional image
FutureAnd if a particular turn to the upper left it remembers a thing of the past
Has to do with the reality in which it isIf you look down, it speaks with the same feelings and newly special
And consult with himself on the subject of what
2 - eyebrows:
If one حاجبا lifted one it indicates that you told him something
Either there isBelieve it or deems impossible,
The raising both eyebrows, this indicates surprise.

If the pole between his eyebrows with a slight smile, it wonders you
But he does not want to يكذبك
If repeated moving eyebrows, it dazzled and amazed by the
Speech and words waves enter the brain more than the form of
3 - nose and ears:

If scratching his nose or passed his hands over his ears ساحبا them of while saying
You that he understands what you want
It means that puzzled about what you say it is likely he did not know
Never what you want him to do.
And placing the hand unfortunately the nose above the lip attic Guide
It hides something you afraid to show it
4 - the forehead of the person:

If the pole forehead and bowed his head to land in a frown, it means that
PerplexedOr confused, or he does not like to hear what I have just said,
If the pole forehead and submit it to the top of it
Shows his surprise when he heard you.
5 - Shoulders:
When a person shakes his shoulder means he does not care what she says.
6 - fingers:

We recognize the person with his fingers on the arm of the seat or on the desk indicates
To nervousness or lack of patience
7 - When a person patted his arms on his chest:

This means that this person is trying to isolate itself from others or shows
That already afraid of you.

Seven of these signals give you an idea of ​​the whole body language and how it can
Not only to highlight the strength of character recognition but think
Others in spite of their attempts to hide it
Do you have passed these signals and Shredunderstand?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dix étapes pour un confort psychologique

Confort psychologique est la demande de chaque homme et de nombreuses personnes sont en train de perdre à cause de la mauvaise gestion de sa vie, afin d'offrir ces simples mesures pratiques pour la vie plus confortable et relaxed.1. Consultez votre relation Allez .. Gardez les prières à l'heure (avec le groupe pour les hommes) .. Ne vous précipitez pas pour sortir de la mosquée après la prière, mais s'asseoir et a nagé et a applaudi et a grandi comme vous guider vers le Prophète, la paix soit sur lui. Plus de redondance et de ressentir le frisson de rak'ahs matin monologue dernier night.2. Commencez par dix étapes pour un confort psychologique ~ parc Alalwanaltvkir ouvrir en vous-même .. Et votre santé, et je sais que ce n'est pas moins importante que la santé d'autrui. Erreur dans laquelle il se trouve beaucoup de gens, c'est qu'il s'inquiète et se soucie de la santé de l'autre épouse de Kalabina et les parents ... Etc plus de la même chose, oubliant qu'il ne sera pas en mesure de bénéficier d'autres si vous n'avez pas lui-même bénéficiez first.3. Trouvez s'amuser tout en faisant .. Ne prenez pas la vie au sérieux strict .. Mais rire .. Créez-vous un peu de joie peu importe leur taille ou simple. Ne faites pas votre travail ou désir d'atteindre le succès dans votre vie un obstacle à vos moments de plaisir odeur نسيما malade, ou prendre une douche d'eau chaude, ou même s'allonger look décontracté au plafond ... etc. Le travail est sans doute important .. Et obtenir de l'argent est aussi important .. Mais vous ne serez probablement pas vivre longtemps pour profiter notamment piscine Si votre vie est pleine de pressures.4. N'apportez pas de travailler avec vous .. Et استقطع temps avec votre famille et travail pour le rendre amusant et fonction «horloge de contentement" .. Ne parlez pas à elle sur les problèmes et essayer de trouver des solutions .. Rendre encore vraiment heureux hour.5. Éviter les problèmes, et de travailler à réparer votre relation, y compris autour de vous pour vivre en paix .. Vous ne recherchez pas les erreurs des autres, il augmente l'équilibre des ennemis qui volent votre bonheur, il draine aussi l'équilibre des amis quand vous avez besoin de se tenir à côté de vous, et nous avons tous besoin de quelqu'un pour se tenir à côté de nous someday.6. Apprenez la gestion des émotions .. Comment pourrait dépasser les problèmes avec sagesse. La vie est pleine de difficultés, essayez de passer à travers avec des rayures minimes .. Comme vous le faites lorsque vous conduisez votre voiture sur une étroite road.7. Vous savez que ne vous fâchez pas .. Et pensez à ce que vous pouvez dire afin de ne pas contribuer à aggraver le problème. Cela ne signifie pas, bien sûr, être faible ou résigné à d'autres, mais il faut bien fort (croyant fort est meilleur et plus aimé de Dieu que le croyant faible comme il est dit dans le hadith) 8. Vrais problèmes cm en son nom .. Placé au bon endroit, beaucoup de gens sont psychologiquement fatigués, car il se dissout dans les opine du problème qu'une partie de celui-ci et il fait partie de question9. Quand vous vous trouvez incapable de trouver des solutions .. Todo et a reçu le baiser Dieu rak'ahs est arrivé et a insisté sur l'invocation .. Il existe des solutions et il ya un salaire, Dieu willing.10. Identifier les sources de stress dans votre vie .. Et le travail pour éviter ou minimiser les à tout le moins, personne ne peut le faire à quelqu'un d'autre que vous êtes.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Ten Steps for psychological comfort

Psychological comfort is the demand of every man and many people are losing because of the mismanagement of his life, so offer this simple practical steps to life more comfortable and relaxed.1. See your relationship Come on .. Keep the prayers on time (with the group for men) .. Do not rush to get out of the mosque after prayers, but sit down and swam and cheered and grew as guide you to the Prophet, peace be upon him. More than redundancy and experience the thrill of rak'ahs morn monologue last night.2. Start with ten steps for psychological comfort ~ Alalwanaltvkir park open in yourself .. And your health, and I know that it is not less important than the health of others. Error in which it is located many people is that he worries and cares for the health of other Kalabina wife and parents ... Etc. more of the same, forgetting that he will not be able to benefit others if you do not benefit himself first.3. Find fun while doing .. Do not take life seriously strict .. But laugh .. Create yourself a bit of joy no matter how small or simple. Do not make your hard work or eagerness to achieve success in your life an obstacle to your enjoyment moments smell نسيما sick, or take a shower warm water, or even lie down relaxed look to the ceiling ... etc.. Work is undoubtedly important .. And get the money is also important .. But you probably will not live long to enjoy including pool If your life is full of pressures.4. Do not bring work home with you .. And استقطع time with your family and work to make it fun and feature "contentment clock" .. Do not talk to it about the problems, and trying to find solutions .. Make it even really blissful hour.5. Avoid problems, and work to repair your relationship including around you to live in peace .. Not looking for the mistakes of others, it increases the balance of enemies who steal your happiness, it also drains the balance of friends when you need to stand beside you, and we all need someone to stand beside us someday.6. Learn emotions Management .. How could exceed problems with wisdom. Life is full of difficulties, try to pass through with minimal scratches .. Just as you do when driving your car on a narrow road.7. You know that do not get angry .. And think about what can you say so as not to contribute to exacerbate the problem. This does not mean, of course, be weak or resigned to others, but be good strong (strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer as stated in the Hadith)8. Cm real problems in its name .. Placed in the right location, many people are psychologically tired, because it dissolves in the problem opines that part of it and it is part of it.9. When you find yourself incapable of finding solutions .. Todo and received the kiss God rak'ahs arrived and insisted upon invocation .. There are solutions and there is a wage, God willing.10. Identify sources of stress in your life .. And work to avoid or minimize them at the very least, no one can do it someone else you are.

comment vous pouvez savoir ce qui est devant vous comment pense-t-il

Sept des signaux d'apprentissage du langage corporel que vous parlez?Cela vous donne les lignes et l'une des plus grandes touches personnelles masséVraiment de ce qui se passe dans l'esprit de vous1 - les yeux:Connaître à travers ses yeux ce qu'il pense vérité,Si pupille élargie semblait une preuve visible qu'il avait entenduVous avez juste quelque chose de plaisir,Si l'élève face rétrécie ce qui est arrivé,Si plissa les yeux indique probablement que vous lui avez dit quelque chose de pas cruSi tourna son regard vers le haut de la droite, il crée une image fictiveAvenirEt si un tour particulier à la partie supérieure gauche il se souvient d'une chose du passéSa relation à la réalité qui estSi vous regardez en bas il parle avec les mêmes sentiments et une spéciale nouvellementEt consulter lui-même sujet2 - sourcils:Si vous soulevez un sourcil et qui indique que vous ne lui dit rienSoit il estLe croire ou qu'il juge impossible,Le levant les deux sourcils, cela indique surprise.
Si pôles entre ses sourcils avec un léger sourire, il vous a surprisMais ne veut pas AkzpkSi répétée sourcils mobiles, il éblouis et émerveillés par l'Discours et vos mots vagues pénètrent dans le cerveau plus que la forme3 - nez et les oreilles:Si gratter le nez ou passa sa main sur le tiroir de son oreille entre eux ont en disant:Vous qu'il comprend ce que vous voulezCela signifie que confus au sujet de ce que vous dites est probable qu'il ne savait pasJamais ce que vous voulez qu'il fasse.Et en plaçant la main, malheureusement, le nez au-dessus de la lèvre Guide grenierIl cache quelque chose et il a peur de le montrer4 - front personne:Si le front polaire et baissa la tête pour la terre du froncement des sourcils, cela signifie quePerplexeOu confus ou qu'il n'aime pas entendre ce que je viens de dire,Si le front polaire et soulevé vers le haut de l'Montre surpris de ce qu'il a entendu de votre part.5 - Epaules:Lorsque la personne secoue son épaule signifie qu'il ne se soucie pas ce qu'elle dit.6 - doigts:Reconnaître la personne avec ses doigts sur le bras du siège ou du bureau indiquePour nerf ou d'un manque de patience7 - Quand une personne tapota ses bras sur sa poitrine:Cela signifie que cette personne essaie de s'isoler des autres ou des preuvesC'est déjà peur de vous.
Ces signaux vous donner une idée de la langue sept corps dans son ensemble et comment il peut êtreUtiliserNon seulement pour mettre en évidence la force de votre personnage, mais de s'identifier à penserD'autres, en dépit de leurs tentatives de le cacher

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

كيف تتحدث أمام الاخرين بلا خجل؟

المشكلة في الخجول أنه ينظر لنفسه من خلال أعين الآخرين، ثم يضخم هذه النظرة ويعتقد أن الذين أمامهم لا يهمهم شيء سوى الاهتمام بكل كبيرة وصغيرة فيه، وهذا طبعاً على عكس الواقع، وحتى تتغلب على هذا الخجل، أنت في حاجة لنصائح بسيطة.

1. تخيل نفسك في موقف تتحدث فيه لجماعة من الناس، وجرب السيطرة على التوتر الذي سيعتريك.
2. حاول أن تحيط نفسك طوال الوقت بأشخاص إيجابيين، كأصدقائك المقربين أو أفراد من أسرتك، ليشجعونك على التخلص من الخجل بتحليلهم لأسبابه ثم مساندتك في تجنبها.
3. اختلط بالآخرين قدر الإمكان لتكون أكثر استعداداً بالتحدث معهم والتدرب على أن تُشعر نفسك بالراحة عند حدوث ذلك.
4. درب نفسك أول بأول على التحدث أمام عدد من الأشخاص، حاول أن تبدأ بجمهور يتكون من 5 أشخاص، ثم 10 ثم 20 الخ، فهذا يمنحك الفرصة النفسية للتأقلم على الموقف بالتدريج.
5. كن هادئاً قدر الإمكان، وحاول ألا تأخذ أخطائك التي قد ترتكبها أثناء تحدثك على أعصابك، فمثلاً إذا تلعثمت أثناء الحديث وضحك شخص ما أثناء ذلك، فلا تكترث، وكن مشرقاً طوال الوقت.
6. يفسر الخجل الذي تشعر به، بأنه صورة من الفخر والاعتداد بالنفس، وأنك ترغب في أن تبذل قصارى جهدك لإتمام مهمتك على أكمل وجه كي تبدو في أبهى صورك في أعين الآخرين، وهنا ينصح بأن تتوقف عن الاهتمام بالآخرين فقد حان الوقت للاهتمام بنفسك.
7. لا تبالغ في التفكير حول الخجل الذي تشعر به.
8. الأشخاص الخجلون لا يشعرون بالراحة سواء أثناء وجودهم مع آخرين أو وحدهم، ولهذا ننصحك بتحدي ذلك من خلال الذهاب لأماكن عامة وحدك كالمطاعم أو السينما وغير ذلك.
9. استمر في قراءة الكتب التي تناقش المشكلة لتتعرف على طرق جديدة لحل المشكلة.

تعلم كيف تفهم نفسك

يقول أوين يونج .. (من يستطيع أن يضع نفسه مكان الآخرين ، ويفهم ما يدور في عقولهم ، يجب أن لا يقلق بشأن ما يخبأه له المستقبل ).

لكي تكون فاهما وواعيا بنفسك وقدراتك لابد من تعرفك على خمسة أمور أساسية

ولابد أن تتعرف عليها وتواجهها بكل شفافية كي تكون واضحا مع نفسك قبل غيرك ولكي تدرك نقاط ضعفك وتعالجها ونقاط قوتك وتنميها
1- ماذا تريد؟ ماذا تحب . وماذا لا تحب؟
نعم هناك فرق كبير فالشيءالمحبوب تندفع النفس إليه اندفاعا وقد يكون سيئا كالتدخين والسهر فإذا كان هذاالمحبوب سيئا فلابد أن تكون النتيجة بالطبع سيئة. وإذا كان هذا المحبوب طيبا فالنتيجة حتما طيبة أما كلمة لا أحب فتأتي مع الأشياء التي يمكن فعلها تحت ظروف استثنائية فمثلا لاأحب أن أشرب هذا العصير ولكني مثلا لأجلك سأشربه. إذن الشيء غير المحبوب ممكن أن يمارس
أما كلمة أكره فإنها تنفر وتبعد
لا تقل (أكره)....احرص أن تقول دائما أنا أحب وإن لم تحب قل لا أحب. " تجنب أنا أكره "
2) اعرف ما أريد
اعرف ماذا تريد؟ هل تعرف ما ذا تريد من هذه الحياة – المدرسة- الصحبة- الوظيفة- المال لابد أن تسأل نفسك هذا السؤال؟ ماذا أريد من خروجي من المنزل ؟ ماذا أريد من السهر- ماذا أريد من الإنترنت. من سباق السيارات- مشاهدة التلفزيون- هذا سؤال مهم يحتاج إلى إجابة واضحة فإذا كانت الإجابة واضحة فهي بالفعل تعطي إحساسا بأن الإنسان فاهم لذاته.
3) اعرف قدراتي:
إنني أعرف ما أحب وما أكره ولكن ما هي القدرات؟هي المواهب التي أوجدها الله في الإنسان وهي تحتاج من الإنسان أن يكتشفها ويتعرف عليها لكي يمارسها ويسخرها لخدمة البشرية لابد أن نحرص على مثل هذا النوع من الإحساس فالشباب اليوم للأسف الشديد يمتلكون شعورا عظيما بأن لديهم مواهب وإمكانات كبيرة
4) اعرف عيوبي
لا يمكن لأحد أن يدعي الكمال فالكمال لله وحده وكل إنسان ناقص وكل إنسان به عيوب غير البعض يعرف عيوبه والبعض الآخر لا يدركها ولا بد لك -أن تتعرف على هذه العيوب والنواقص لابد أن تكون مكشوفة أمامك حتى تتعرف على حجمها ومدى خطورتها علم نفسك وقدها وامسك زمامها ولا تجعلها تقودك فإنقيادتك لها تعرفك عيوبها ومعرفة العيوب تدعو لإصلاحها.
5) كيف استثمرطاقتى
لا تتعجب إذا قلت لك إن إجابة هذا السؤال تكون بإحداث انفجار فالطاقة عبارة عن (جهد – مال – وقت) ولابد من إحسان التصرف في هذه المقومات لكي نستطيع أن نقول في النهاية إنك تحسن استثمار طاقتك ولا شك أنه سيعود عليك وعلى مجتمعك بأعظم الفائدة
هذه النقاط الخمس السابقة إذا أدركتها فعلا وكان لديك إجابة شافية على أسئلتها وكان لديك العمل الإيجابي الذي تستثمر فيه طاقتك ويعود عليك وعلى من حولك بالنفع والفائدة إذا كان لديك كل ذلك فإننا ساعتها نستطيع أن نقول انك تفهم نفسك!!
إن مصباحك في قلبك
في قلبك مصباح سماوي عجيب ..
إذا استطعت إشعاله بإحكام ،فقد أشرق قلبك بالنور وتوهج ..
أما إذا أهملته ،فلا بد أن تتراكم عليه كميات من غبار الغفلات ،وصدأ الزلات ، وأقذار الهفوات والمعاصي ..
ثق أن بمقدورك في لحظة أن تتلمس الطريق إلى زر الإضاءة ..
ثق أن مصباحك بمجرد أن يضيء ،ينكشف بين يديك الطريق كله أوضح من الضحى !