Thursday, August 8, 2013

Building Muscle: Amino Acids

By Bethy Mashef

A friend of mine (Terry) and I were working out at our local gym when we overheard some professional bodybuilders discussing amino acid supplements. Some preferred Brand X, others Brand Y. Terry remembered taking a course in college that included several chapters about amino acids. He said, "It was a difficult course and not necessary for the average person to understand". He looked at the guys working out and said, "Most of us don't want muscles like that". While I agree with his statement about most of us not wanting the amount of muscle these bodybuilders had, I disagree with his statement concerning amino acids. Most of you know about protein and how it can maintain muscle. Some of us know that if we up our protein intake we can add muscle and even lose weight. To me this is like putting the cart before the horse. We need to understand amino acids and how they help maintain a healthy body. Amino Acids Are The Building Blocks Of Protein. Twenty of them are used by the human body. They are classified as either essential or nonessential. Non essential amino acids are produced in the body. Hopefully you visit your primary physician annually and you know if your body is producing nonessential amino acids in sufficient quantities. If not then he/she has you on supplements. Essential amino acids can only be obtained by consuming foods that contain them. Your body does not store essential amino acids. It's a, "Use it or Lose it" dilemma. Each day you must consume foods that contain them. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines essential as: 2a: basic, indispensable, necessary. 2b: being a substance that is not synthesized by the body in a quantity sufficient for normal health and growth and that must be obtained from the diet. Some synonyms: all important, critical, imperative, indispensable, integral, and must have. Failure to not supply your body with these essential amino acids leads to serious health implications. In the body. muscle is the primary source of these amino acids. If not supplied thru diet, your body will get them from your muscle. This then leads to muscle wasting and ultimately weight gain, also weakness, fatigue, and changes to hair, skin, snd nails. Over time, your mental health is affected. I could go on and on but I can hear my readers asking, "What foods should I be eating"?

Amino Acids Are The Building Blocks Of Protein. They are broken down into two categories. They are classified as either essential or nonessential. Nonessential amino acids are produced in the body. My hope is that you visit your primary physician annually and you know if your body is producing nonessential amino acids in sufficient quantities. If not, your primary physician has you on supplements. Essential amino acids can only be obtained by consuming foods that contain them. Your body does not store essential amino acids. It's a, "Use it or Lose it" dilemma. Each day you must consume foods that contain them. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines essential as: 2a: basic, indispensable, necessary. 2b: being a substance that is not synthesized by the body in a quantity sufficient for normal health and growth and that must be obtained from the diet. Some synonyms: all important, critical, imperative, indispensable, integral, and must have. Failure to not supply your body with these essential amino acids leads to serious health implications. In the body, muscle is the primary source of these amino acids. If your diet does not provide them, your body will get them from your muscle. This then leads to muscle wasting and ultimately weight gain, weakness, fatigue, and changes to hair, skin, snd nails. Over time, your mental health is affected, and DNA damage occurs.

A diet that provides all of the essential amino acids includes the following: Lean cuts of beef, lamb, pork, as well as chicken, turkey, and seafood. Eggs, milk, and cheese are also complete proteins. Complete proteins contain all of the essential amino acids. Avocados, apricots,apples, bananas, pears, peaches, watermelon, cauliflower, celery, beets, mushrooms, onions, garlic, peas, pumpkin, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, pistachios, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat, wheat germ, oats, quinoa, teff, and brown rice are excellent sources of amino acids. This is no way near a complete list but it's a good starting point. I often refer to the Internet as the world's largest library. If you have the resources I urge you to study; "Foods and Amino Acids".

The following are the essential amino acids our bodies get from food: Arginine (some amount is produced by the body) is a conditionally nonessential amino acid. This means that most of the time our bodies manufacture it. Preterm infants are unable to create it and thus for them it is an essential amino acid.

Histidine is a powerful blood vessel dilator. It is also involved in gastric acid secretions aiding digestion. It is also related to circadian rhythms (function in the sleep and wake cycles) and sexual arousal and orgasmic function in women and premature ejaculation in men.

Histidine is a powerful blood vessel dilator. It is also involved in gastric acid secretions aiding digestion. It is also related to circadian rhythms (function in the sleep and wake cycles) and sexual arousal and orgasmic function in women and premature ejaculation in men.

Leucine is a branched chain amino acid unique in it's ability to stimulate skeletal muscle protein synthesis, protein essential for muscle growth. Leucine has a far greater stimulus effect on protein than any other amino acid.

Methionine helps with metabolic function and breaks down fat. It helps with the removal of heavy metals so that our liver, kidneys, and bladder remain healthy. Side affects of methionine deficiency include liver damage, edema, brittle hair, slow growth in children and can lead to mental disorders.

Phenylalanine is normally converted to tyrosine. Tyrosine then is converted to L-Dopa, norepinephrino, and epinephrine, three key neurotransmitters. These are chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells. Those with the inherited metabolic disorder Phenylketonuria do not have the liver enzyme necessary for breaking down phenylalanine. Those of you with this condition know that your diet must exclude phenylalanine and avoid aspartame found in artificial sweeteners.

Phenylalanine is normally converted to tyrosine. Tyrosine then is converted to L-Dopa, norepinephrino, and epinephrine, three key neurotransmitters. These are chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells. Those with the inherited metabolic disorder Phenylketonuria do not have the liver enzyme necessary for breaking down phenylalanine. Those of you with this condition know that your diet must exclude phenylalanine and avoid aspartame found in artificial sweeteners.

Threonine promotes proper protein balance in the body. It also supports cardiovascular, liver, central nervous and immune system function. It helps keep our connective tissues, muscles, and heart strong and elastic. Threonine supports our immune system by aiding in the production of antibodies.

Threonine promotes proper protein balance in the body. It also supports cardiovascular, liver, central nervous and immune system function. It helps keep our connective tissues, muscles, and heart, strong and elastic. Threonine supports our immune system by aiding in the production of antibodies.

Valine is one of three branched chain amino acids. The other two are leucine and isoleucine. Valine is important for everyday body functions and for maintaining muscles. It also helps regulate our immune system. It is important to growth in children and nitrogen balance in adults.

Regarding this article, I have given you a very brief overview. My hope for all of you is that I have motivated you to take a closer look at your diet and make the necessary changes to live a healthier life. I now leave you with this Pearl Of Wisdom:

-Hippocrates, Father of Medicine

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