Friday, October 13, 2017

Become Stronger With Private Pilates Training

By Anna Brown

Anyone who has experienced a catastrophic injury knows the emotional suffering that comes with limited mobility. A sudden and dramatic decrease in personal mobility, independence, and mental status promotes serious depression. For many patients, the physical limitations and mental trauma can be successfully treated with physical exercise, and private Pilates training is just the right medicine.

This form of exercise is similar to Yoga in many ways, and most trainers will mix the two disciplines. However, such trainers are willing to utilize tools wherein Yoga focuses on floor exercises. Yoga poses are very effective at providing strength training by using the force of gravity against body weight as the only resistance during the workout.

Yoga instructors often lead their students in a series of movements that work every muscle in the body. Our trainers, on the other hand, are utilizing a series of movements that focus on the upper body, the abdomen, and the muscles supporting the spine. For anyone with the limitations of paraplegia, this upper-body focus is precisely what their body needs to be doing.

Some poses their trainer will take them through are performed supine, or in a lying down position. It is a unique aspect of this form of fitness that a great deal of toning and strengthening of the core can take place while the patient appears to not be moving at all. Deep breaths and focused tightening of specific muscle groups may be all a person needs to get their six pack back.

The most common injuries sustained, whether they be work-related or occurred in auto crashes, involve the spine and the upper body. Strain or injury to the spinal column, carpal tunnel syndrome, or even broken arms and ribs all cause a loss of mobility. By gently strengthening these parts of the body through easy-to-perform movements and poses, much mobility can be regained.

Too much cannot be said about how the health of the mind can impact the health of the body. What not everyone seems to comprehend is that the opposite is also true. By working on the health and strength of the body, the mental and emotional state of the individual improves immediately, and for many these programs are the best treatment for the depression that results from such a major life change.

When an individual undergoes a serious procedure that can take them more than six months to recover, they often begin to suffer chronic back and neck pain. It is also not uncommon for patients to develop a drug habit due to their postoperative pain medications. Studies consistently show that when such patients seek personalized physical therapy, their chronic pain melts away, and the mental benefits help them to overcome other bad habits.

Studies have been conducted regarding the matter of solo-fitness versus attending a class or seeing a physical therapist. For the average person, their chances of meeting fitness goals on their own are quite slim. For someone who may be on the verge of giving up on life completely, the need for them to make their PT appointments becomes even more dire, and their success even more vital to their very existence.

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