Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Important Facts About Ocean Conservation

By Donna Bennett

Poor lifestyle habits put us at a great risk of contracting illnesses. Taking simple practices as treating water before use helps stop chances of visiting a clinic. Because of the industrialization, many waste products are deposited into the oceans due to lack of knowledge about the risks, ignorance, and lack of land for disposal thus causing pollution. The contaminants get into the body systems upon drinking the plain water and through consumption of seafood. To prevent further risks, the article below will explain in detail about ocean conservation.

It is our daily practices that expose us to the dangers of accidents and illnesses. Chemicals deposited in the sea not only cause the death of fish, whales and sea turtles but also trigger the growth of plants. The plants use the oxygen in water making the remaining animals succumb to death. Investors relying on the animals for income generation suffer the most.

Conserving the ocean is a safety precaution during traveling and maintaining the beauty of your surroundings. A smoothly laid out water body makes the view beautiful and is often a source of attraction for foreigners. Ferries, boats and ships move smoothly along the tidy oceans. In this case, getting rid of dirt ensures your safety whenever you consider water as a means of transport. Metal parts and branches entangle boats and ships causing accidents and this should be your driving force towards maintaining a clean environment.

This bold step offers a variety of health benefits. Young children whose immune system is not yet fully developed and the aged whose system is weak are most vulnerable to infections. Keeping the sea clean protects them from diarrhea which is their number one killer. Depositing the contaminants in safe areas prevents against abdominal pains, mouth ulcers, skin coloration, and cancer.

Water body conservation is cost friendly. The money used in clearing of wastes from the sea and treatment of water for industrial and domestic practice can be invested in other productive areas. The finances would be better if used in setting up more lodgings to accommodate a large number of foreigners thus creating new job opportunities in the tourism and hospitality fields.

Cleanliness in water bodies promotes the economic development of a concerned state. The shores are a tourist attraction for foreigners during summer and the money collected is used for to direct change in the underdeveloped areas. The agricultural sector relies on aquatic animals to feed the nation and export the surplus. In pharmaceutical companies, the production of medications is slow because contaminated water has to be thoroughly treated contrary to when water sources are safe. Unpolluted water sources indirectly increase production in these manufacturing centers because a water treatment process is short thus quick production.

There are many globally recognized environment conservation bodies. Care for the marine is on an individual level and they should, therefore, extend their knowledge to as many people as possible. Motivating the society to keep the marine in a safe and secure manner by recognizing those who are assisting majorly in marine conservation is an effective method of passing your message.

Rules and regulations on water body conservation should be strictly implemented. Giving a heavy punishment on the wrongdoers after frequent teachings make people behave and act accordingly. A country should devise new methods of reusing and recycling water and other wastes from industries. Swimming, skiing and boat riding are enjoyable on a smoothly curved sea.

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