Friday, August 29, 2014

Dallas GA Chiropractor Educates Public About Fibromyalgia

By Judie Vivien Pullido

Medical professionals are often frustrated by fibromyalgia, as it can be so difficult to identify. It has a variety of symptoms which may mimic many other possible medical conditions. It is necessary to narrow down the possibilities to be sure you are dealing with fibromyalgia and some other problem.

While the symptoms are usually varied, the actual cause of this condition is still uncertain. Fortunately, a local Dallas GA chiropractor is taking positive steps to increase public awareness of this condition. Pending positive outcomes from ongoing research, education may help reduce its impact on many people.

Allopathic doctors usually treat the problem symptomatically through the use of drugs. This approach can backfire, and chiropractors prefer a more natural approach to normalize the body. Masking the symptoms may be counter-productive, and conceal a more urgent problem which has been overlooked.

One possible cause is stress, while lack of sleep may be a contributing factor. Dietary supplementation with magnesium and other minerals and vitamins is indicated, while omega-3 fats are also useful. Chiropractors commonly employ massage and other techniques such as ultrasound or electro-stimulation.

Excessive exercise may exacerbate any problem. The best approach is stretching and other light exercises such as Tai Chi, while relaxation therapy and breathing exercise are often useful. Patients do need to co-operate fully if they are to experience significant positive effects on the problem.

As the exact cause of fibromyalgia is still undetermined, it can be difficult to devise an effective remedy. Chiropractors often good good results by simply encouraging it to function more normally. Noticeable improvements may take a while to manifest, so persistence is an absolutely essential requirement.

If you have pain or tenderness in many joints together with many other symptoms, it would be wise to consult your nearest chiropractor in Dallas. An initial assessment will set your mind at ease. You will then be in a position to take positive steps to heal.

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