Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lancaster Headache Sufferers Find Relief Through Chiropractic Care

By Princess Allice

A national foundation reports that more than 45 million people in the United States have recurrent headaches. There are children and adolescents in this group. They are in different classifications, including migraines and tension headaches. There are Chiropractors in Lancaster who provide pain alleviation for many of these individuals.

These painful episodes are put into different classifications. Tension headaches are the most common. The muscles in the neck and shoulders tighten and cause these kinds. They are chronic and the pain is mild to moderate.

No one is sure of what causes the migraine. The moderate to intense pain can last for days. There may be a genetic connection, an abnormality of the brain or a sensitivity to environmental factors, including light, odors or sound. Nausea and throbbing pain are part of these.

The mixed syndrome category combines features of migraines and tension types. They can strike children as well as adults. A small number of children have what are called gastrointestinal type because they cause vomiting.

The pain of sinus headaches is constant and intense. The forehead hurts along with the area between the eyes and the cheekbones. It is made worse each time the sufferer moves his or her head. Congestion and other symptoms of sinus are present.

The cluster headache is uncommon. However, when it strikes it is more severe than any other. It throbs, burns and causes a piercing feeling. These are called cluster because they appear up to three times in one day, then may not occur again for months or years.

It has been reported that chiropractic manual adjustments effectively reduce the pain of tension and migraine headaches. In many cases there is almost immediate relief when the cervical vertebrae are adjusted. The beneficial effect is sustained even after the adjustments are concluded.

Before care can begin, the chiropractor does a complete assessment. Questions are asked about the severity and duration of the pain. The spine is examined physically and often an x-ray is taken. The spinal adjustments are administered in a series of office appointments. Benefits are far superior to those found by taking medication.

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