Tuesday, July 30, 2013

An Introduction To Deferred Action

By Lela Perkins

Progressive countries may enjoy more benefits than the poorer countries but they do have to deal with immigration problems. Because of their reputation, many people cross borders and try to make a better life for themselves. If they enter the country without the proper papers, they can be easily deported when found. Countries like the United States however have introduced the concept of deferred action.

Deferred action applies to a specific group of individuals. It is for those who remain undocumented and who were a certain age when they went in the country. With this guideline, they can extend their stay in the area and they can delay the deportation proceedings. An application will have to be submitted first.

One criterion has to do with the current age of the applicant. He needs to be young enough when he reached the country. There are also educational requirements or he may have served in the military. The applicant should also not have any run ins with the laws as these can be construed as a safety risk.

When the individual is approved, he will be allowed to stay in the country for a specific number of years. It is important to understand that the individual is not yet considered to be a citizen. His status for immigration will not change although the approval does extend his stay. The good think about it is he can get a permit to work if he should have the need to do so.

The process of granting approval is not an easy one. The criteria will have to be met and related documents will have to be submitted. Every case will be thoroughly checked before the reprieve is given. The reprieve will only last for a specific time period. Once this is over, the immigrant will have to undergo the application process again.

This new guideline has had different reactions from the public. Some are quite relieved that they can finally work. Others are not as excited because they do not want their identities to be revealed. Applying could create a lot of changes in their lives. Another deterrent is the cost of going through the process and having to provide all these documents.

If these individuals will finally be allowed to work, they will increase the amount of work force the country has. This means that the revenue can grow, which is a positive contribution to the economy. Moreover, the workers have the opportunity to obtain spending money and purchase the things they want.

The assigned office will have a final say when it comes to the granting of this status. Just because you meet the criteria does not immediately mean that you will immediately be approved. Weigh the pros and cons for applying and given the way this will affect your life, consulting with a lawyer can be a good idea.

Deferred action is an opportunity for undocumented immigrants of a certain age to not be immediately be deported. If approved, these individuals can also apply for a permit to work. The process will mean submitting papers and paying the fees.

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