Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Buying Tanning Lotions From Sun Labs Online

By Haywood Hunter

An abundant number of items posted for sale on Sun Labs Online are tanning products. The use of these products have actually become a lot more popular along with the desire of people to emerge as bronzed gods and goddesses. However, there are many who have a hard time finding the right options for their skin types.

It might be more beneficial to go for Sun Labs Online lotions that contain sunscreen. They can be of real help especially for those who are planning to their tanning outdoors and not using tanning beds and booths. It should be known that tanning machines give off UV rays different from those of sunlight. Using products with SPF levels reflecting this difference should be seen through.

For users that wish to tan with the use of tanning booths or beds, Sun Labs Online tanning lotions that come with broad-spectrum protection would be the best choices. This signifies that the products contain ingredients which protect applicators from the UVA light emitted by tanning equipment. This is opposed to the UVB rays directly coming from natural sunlight.

Buyers should prefer purchasing products that come with special ingredients that accelerate the entire tanning process although without posing health risks to the users. Sun Labs Online also offers products that have been made with beta-carotene as well as vitamin A. Both naturally duplicate benefits from sunlight, creating a tan which is consistent and also natural. These types of products sold by Sun Labs Online work best with tanning machines.

You may also want to consider getting a sunless tanner from the Sun Labs Online. This type of product is what you can use for achieving bronze skin but without subjecting yourself to unhealthy UV rays. However, it is essential for your initial application to be kept light. Add in the layers only after you start getting a natural tone.

Make sure that you get Sun Labs Online products which are longer lasting. There are many benefits to getting them. Aside from the fact that they do not melt even with you perspiring, they come in thick because of the moisturizer element and do not easily evaporate under direct sunlight.

Take your time in going through the products you want to get from Sun Labs Online. Pick out one which best fits how dark you want your tan to be. Know that lotions of Sun Labs Online come in various shades. There are light browns and there are also profound bronze. If you want a darker result, go for those with ingredients that open up your skin pores.

Prior to going through with the application, users should first make sure to exfoliate their skin surface. Many will prefer applying moisturizers before the lotions they bought from Sun Labs Online. Others will settle with hydroalcoholic toners that remove soap residues from their skin. These are important since they can affect the results of the whole process.

Pregnant women should lean more on to the option of using tanning lotions offered by Sun Labs Online instead of using conventional booths and tanning beds. This is because the latter options pose risks of overheating, worsened chloasma and sunburn. Tanning lotions from Sun Labs Online are known to not have harmful effect to pregnant women or their developing babies.

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