Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why Lord Shiva Has An Important Role

By Lela Perkins

Lord Shiva is a god in the Hindu religion who has a great many incarnations. He is known as both a destroyer and a preserver of life. One of the main things he's know for is destroying the ego. The type of destruction he's known for is not necessarily negative. When, for instance, the ego is obliterated something new and our is meant to be created.

He is said to help make us perceive reality more clearly. His destructive powers are therefore a way of opening up new paths for people, which lead to new ways of seeing things. When this happens people are able to see reality in the way he intended.

The role of meditation in Hinduism cannot be underestimated. Shiva advocates the type of deep meditation that is meant to eventually shift you to a higher form of consciousness. Once you've reached this level you're then formless, able to shed attachments to worldly things like possessions and feelings.

Like many deities in Hinduism, Shiva comes in many different forms. One of these forms Nataraj, which is a dance representing destruction and creation. The idea is that when we do the dance, we are not only inspired by the god, but we have a piece of the deity inside all of us.

Followers of the god will probably know that Hanuman, the karma yogi, is rumored to be one of the many forms he has taken. This yogi serves Ram both endlessly and selflessly. Yogis, however, are not meant to take any credit for their selfless acts, so no-one can be entirely sure who Hanuman really is.

The Hindu religion is known for its mantras. Mahamrityunjaya is another of his incarnations and the Mahamrityunjaya mantra and the Gayatri mantra are used to promote well being. They also have the added benefit of promoting a peaceful and calm mind.

The religious scriptures dictate that people should worship him, usually for a month. This month is often called Sawan, which some call Shravan. Some may wonder why it is just him that is being worshiped during this time and why not other gods. The Hindu scriptures recognize him as being in control of the whole world, and it's him that will one day be responsible for its ultimate destruction. Those who want more in-depth reasons as to why he is worshiped should take a look at the Hindu scriptures.

Lord Shiva has a role in the Hindu religion that cannot be underestimates. As the creator and destroyer he has the ability to give and take. One such such that emphasizes this took place when he was telling Parvati, the goddess, a story about immortality. She fell asleep and the only thing present was a parrot, who listened to the entire story. Because of this the parrot was blessed with immortality.

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