Thursday, July 18, 2013

Weight Loss Secrets - 5 Things That Will Sabotage Your Weight Loss

By Barb Taylor

Losing weight requires hard work and discipline. Everyday thousands of people start a new weight loss program. Most will quit before ever seeing results. Listed below are five weight loss secrets that can help you avoid sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

Thinking You Burned More Calories Than You Actually Have

The majority of people use online calorie expenditure tables to estimate the amount of calories burned during a workout.

Relying on these tables can be detrimental to your weight loss because they tend to significantly over estimate the number of calories burned during a workout.

If you want an accurate picture of the calories you burned off during a workout investing in a high quality heart monitor would be a wise choice.

Avoiding Strength Training

For maximum calorie burn and weight loss, it is important to add strength training to your exercise routine. Lifting weights strengthens and tones muscles, which helps to increase your metabolism and burn fat.

If you have hit a plateau in your weight loss try alternating strength training and aerobic workouts to help you get through it.

Drinking To Much Alcohol

When you drink alcohol, your body will work to eliminate that first prior to burning off any food you eat.

In addition to slowing down fat burn, alcohol stimulates that part of the body that controls hunger and makes you feel hungry even when you arent.

It is also high in calories and has no nutritional benefit. Having an occasional drink is fine but more than a couple per week and you may be sabotaging your weight loss and health.

Skipping Breakfast

It is important to nourish your body throughout the day. Skipping meals is not a good idea because it can have a negative impact on your metabolism.

Skipping meals can decrease your metabolism and cause your body to start storing food.

Also when you skip meals you tend to overeat when you finally do have a meal

It is much better to eat six small meals daily. Doing this will keep your hunger satisfied and prevent snacking. To avoid overeating, figure out how many calories you need each day and divide it by the number of meals you will have to get the calorie count for each of your meals.

Unrealistic expectations

Setting unattainable weight loss goals is one of the main reasons so many people do not achieve their weight loss goals. They turn on the tv and see that there favorite celebrity just lost 30 pounds in a month and that becomes the goal they set for themselves.

Healthy weight loss does not happen in an instant. It is a process that requires time effort & commitment. One to two pounds each week is considered a healthy amount of weight to lose.

People who stick to this formula tend to have better luck keeping the weight off and sticking to the healthy lifestyle changes they have made.

These five simple weight loss secrets can be the key to starting your weight loss program off on the right foot.

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