Saturday, July 5, 2014

Pediatric Psychiatry In NYC Helps Children From Preschool Ages To Teens

By Rosella Campbell

The child psychiatrist is first of all, a medical doctor who can prescribe medication. The behavior and disordered thinking that can set a child on the wrong path through life can be diagnosed and treated. It is certain that pediatric psychiatry in NYC can help a troubled child of any age.

Any teen age adolescent might be having difficulty interpreting the world around him, for example. There is peer pressure, pressure to get good grades and pressure to get into a social group. If, in addition, he or she is worried about a parent getting a divorce, it can be too much for the teen to deal with.

The ability to remain emotionally stable is a skill during those tenuous years. When there is a change in behavior, it may be an indication there is a problem. When grades suddenly become poor in an achieving child there is definitely a problem.

Before treatment can start, the psychiatrist will rule out a physical cause. Medication may be started if the state of mind indicates the child is seriously ill. Sometimes the psychiatrist works with a psychotherapist if he thinks extensive counseling will be beneficial.

Alcohol and drugs are readily available to anyone. If a teen has a serious problem, such as parents planning a divorce, or living with an unreasonable stepparent, he or she may turn to them to forget. Eating disorders are more common in females. They can be life-threatening if untreated.

There are too many teens taking prescription drugs for ADHD. Although the prescriptions are necessary in many cases, it is doubtful that so many have the disorder. Something as serious as bipolar disorder, formerly called manic-depressive disorder, can be kept under control through the use of drugs.

Two serious eating disorders are bulimia nervosa and anorexia. Many girls see models on television or in magazines. The pictures may be retouched to make the models look thinner.

The adolescent does not want fat to interfere with dating or other social activities. Some girls begin to see themselves as fat, when in reality they are not. Some go on to eat so little, that their health is placed in jeopardy.

When a young child or adolescent has been sexually or physically abused, the rest of his or her life may be affected. A girl may be promiscuous as a result. A boy may feel shame and assume the guilt for what happened. It is made more intense if the abuser was someone he trusted.

It seems illogical, however, these children may feel guilty as if they could have stopped it from happening. An abuser might insist the child wanted to do it and no one will believe he did not. He is warned not to tell and the secret festers for years.

Depression is more common among teens than younger children. It can be a clinical depression that exists in isolation. It may, alternatively, be concomitant with another disorder that is the cause of the clinical depression.

Very young children, with relatively undeveloped language skills, may be unable to communicate what has happened. A therapist may use art to have the child draw the event. Often, acting it out using dolls can be an effective way to get the child to open up and relate what took place.

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