Thursday, July 3, 2014

Problems With Public Education That Are Derailing Literacy

By Ina Hunt

There have various studies trying to identify on ways that quality school life can be offered. Identifying the problems with public education is a vital measure in ensuring that the citizens are well educated at equal degrees. Identifying the glitch and coming up with a solution is one way of tackling the hitch.

A study conducted recently suggests that poverty, which is a historical obstacle, continues to act as hindrance up to the modern society. Education was provided to working class in the past while the poor individuals remained uneducated. Education is today offered to all irrespective of a person social status and everyone is expected to graduate. A novel paradigm shift is shown by the increased poverty levels compounded with the shift in education. This requires policies which are fresh to address reality.

In the start of the millennium, students who qualified for reduced-prices or free meals made up of around half of the students in four states. Within a decade, more than half the students in 17 states that are in public schools are in poverty. In this century there has been a great increase in unemployment among parents and the available jobs fail to provide for education and basic needs.

Score testing has been congested out in the arts subjects which include painting, drama and music. These lessons are able to produce skills that are unique to a student while also making learning enjoyable. Schools in poor areas find math to be a challenge and this frustrates the teachers putting the students to be at a great disadvantage compared to their peers. The standardization step has in turn posed difficulties in molding the lesson to fit unique social cultures.

Recess and physical educations have been sidelined. These two boost the capacity of student to learn and focus while also ensuring that the student stay healthy by combating crisis such as child obesity among others.

The disparity between schools in rich regions and those from deprived regions is very wide. Those from deprived areas have larger class sizes, non-motivated staff and obsolete teaching equipment among various vices. On the other hand, schools in affluent regions are equipped with good medical attention, modern learning models, libraries that are well stocked among others. This makes the public education to appear totally unequal.

Involvement of parents and quality of home life act as predictor to achievement of a student. Some parents get highly involved in the whereabouts of their children while other do not care knowing. The need to be involved actively is a prudent measure as positive encouragement in home leads to improved results in school learning.

Though tackling conflict is a maturation process in a child, exposure to harassment and violence can lead to wanting performance at schools and can lead to development of anti-social character as well as anxiety as the child matures. Early childhood education needs to integrate violence reduction as well as conflict mediation.

The system of education remains to be highly important in the country since it is in here that a country is able to mold future professionals. Safeguarding this institution by tackling the many glitches which are facing it is important for it to remain relevant.

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