Monday, May 20, 2013

Act Calm and Relaxed, Even in Difficult Situations

Act Calm and Relaxed, Even in Difficult Situations

Adolescence can be such a difficult time. Teens face so many difficult situations during their adolescence. There is the peer pressure to be like everyone else, and do things that we may not agree with. Also, there is the stress of handling a lot of firsts in our lives. It would nice if we could remain calm. But even adults have a difficult time doing that.
Therefore, it can be difficult for teens to remain calm and centered, especially when they are faced with difficult situations. However, in order to become assertive, teens have to learn to be calm and avoid being emotional all the time. For one thing, bullies don't have much to do with calm people because they don't give them the reaction they want. But they love vulnerable and volatile people who are destroyed by them. This gives bullies a warped sense of satisfaction.
Here are a few tips to ensure that you act in a calm manner, even in the most anxiety-provoking situations.
1. Breathe deeply and center yourself by using your breath. This can help you to feel relaxed and more certain of yourself. You can try and practise this before you get into a difficult situation, if possible. If it isn't possible to do a centering exercise before such situations, do it right after you experience a lot of stress.
2. Smile-even if you have to fake it. Sometimes you get so wrapped up in a situation, that you either consciously or unconsciously frown. But that only adds to your anxiety. Nothing can dispel anxiety quicker than by giving the other person an expected positive reaction. But what's more, it can empower you to feel better about yourself.
3. Be natural. Don't try to pretend you are something you're not. Also, don't do anything you feel uncomfortable doing. This will only add to the frustration and anger that you may be feeling. Instead, develop your natural charm as much as this is possible.
4. Count from one to ten before reacting to difficult situations. This can help give you some much needed perspective. After that, you'll be able to handle yourself a lot better. You may also realize that things are not as bad and they can be a lot worse.
By following these tips, you'll be taking steps to remain calm, even in anxiety-provoking situations. This will go a long way towards empowering yourself. Wouldn't it be great to act in a relaxed and calm manner all the time?
Irene S. Roth is a Freelance Writer, Author and Editor. Ms. Roth predominantly writes for kids, teens and tweens about Empowerment. She has an empowerment book published for teens entitled "Seasons of Empowerment for Adolescent Girls". She is also in the process of writing another nonfiction book for teens entitled "The Seven Habits of Emotionally Mature Adolescents."

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