Sunday, May 19, 2013

Can A Human Get Kennel Cough? Answers Revealed

Can A Human Get Kennel Cough? Answers Revealed

When a pet owner hears their animal coughing up a storm, it can sound strange, and become very frightening. It can be alarming because we are used to people coughing, not our beloved pets. The fact of the matter is that there isn't a huge difference in lung infections between us, and our pets. Animals can have respiratory problems just like us humans do. Because of this, there is a large number of people wondering - "Can a human get kennel cough?" Even though we may be unaware of infections and illness traveling between us, and our pets, it does exist. A lot of research has been done that supports this.
Human Kennel Cough
People with weaker immune systems are more susceptible to getting human kennel cough, the technical term being - "Human Bordetellosis." This respiratory condition is not as rare as you may think, and the effects of Bordetellosis can't be ignored. While some people may say that Kennel cough cannot be transmitted cross species, believes otherwise.
How Kennel Cough Spreads state's the sickness is spread through coughing, and is airborne. It is for this reason that individuals living in well-ventilated areas are less likely to contract the disease than someone living in a closed-off environment. How sanitary the living conditions are can also play a crucial role on your respiratory systems abilities to fight off the infection.
How to Prevent Human Bordetellosis.
You don't want Human Bordetellosis. so you're doing everything you can not to catch it. But what exactly should you be doing? Well this may be tough to do, but in order to prevent Human Bordetellosis., you may have a take a break from interacting with your furry little friend. The best way to prevent kennel cough is to avoid contact with the infected pet. To better your chances, keep your house better ventilated to let the air better circulate so you don't breath in as much bacteria. In case you really cant leave your pet alone for a while, you can always get a vaccination from your local vet.
Treatment options for kennel cough in humans
Believe it or not, some scientists believe there is not a connection between human and pet respiratory infections. To argue that, there have been many instances where pet owners started developing symptoms shortly after their pets have been suffering. If you do encompass symptoms, it is advised to take cough suppressants and to see your doctor so they may be able to prescribe you some antibiotics. Antibiotics have had a huge success rate with people.
Humans can be affected by Bordetellosis. Kennel Cough spreads by coughing and travels by air. To prevent yourself from having Bordetellosis, stay in a well-ventilated, sanitary room. Avoid making contact with the infected pet or human. If you happen to be infected with the respiratory ailment it can be treated by using cough suppressants and antibiotics. While keeping this in mind you now can prevent or treat yourself if you believe you are suffering from kennel cough.

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