Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother May I?


Mother May I?

Why yes you may take good care of yourself and kick back this Mother's Day - certainly! Women tend to take care of everyone else first before themselves. I don't think this attribute is actually genetically inherited, but it's definitely socially inherited. Although, when we study the animal kingdom that's generally what females do: they care, tend and nurture the family unit.
But needless to say we have evolved - right? I spend a lot of time trying to broaden my clients perspective and to "include" rather than "put as last" themselves on their list of priorities.
Here are the best tips to ensure you celebrate your Mother's Day well even if you technically aren't a mother:
Here are YOUR 5 Tips:
Tip #1 Be Zen About It: A good friend sent me a great photo a couple of weeks ago entitled "That was Zen this is Meow" - I loved it. As you know by now I have 2 wonderful cats that meow with a Zen attitude all the time. Hope about you? Are you putting a Zen spin into your day - purring calmly throughout the day? Being more Zen or being more like a cat will not only balance you out a bit during hectic times but it'll also put a smile on your face most of the time. As my Mom always says, always focus on the good as the not so good has a way of showing up on it's own. Try and Be Zen about it all.
Tip # 2 It's Actually OK to say NO: I know you were probably taught to say yes, please and may I from a young age. A great way to actually age quicker than is necessary is to say yes to everything. There's nothing wrong with being polite, of course but better yet try being polite to and honest with yourself first. Learn to set boundaries and appreciate and recognize your limits.
I often see my clients easily getting off track and making poor choices because they are overwhelmed with everyone else's stuff. They begin apologizing to me for not sticking with their nutrition and lifestyle program because of something that took precedence. No need to apologize and nothing should be more important than your health - it's your lifeline. Trust me, it'll never work if you don't take yourself and your goals seriously and act on them. Without sufficient downtime to think, plan and sort things out it's very difficult to make changes inside.
Tip #3 Give Yourself a Treat: A treat does not need to be a gooey, rich, edible morsel. That's just an easy way to instant weight gain, and over time permanent weight gain. Hold off on indulging in food. Why not try something less caloric instead. How about taking a nap instead. I just spoke with a dear friend and she told me she just woke up from a wonderful nap and felt revived and re-freshed. She could function once again. You may not want to make a habit of this, but every once in awhile it can be a Special Treat give to yourself.
Tip # 4 Spend Time with MOM, if you can: There's nothing like giving yourself the special gift of spending time with MOM. Of course, it's a treasure for her, too. Have lunch together, look at old photos, and laugh about the funny times. If you can't spend Mother's Day together, like I'm not able to this year, make sure you call and share some loving and healing thoughts with each other. Celebrate together in spirit any way you can.
Tip # 5 Commit to Eating Fresh, Whole & Clean: It's not that difficult to make your home and office a no-junk zone. Fresh fruits and vegetables ought to be your mainstay. Keep them visible on your tables, counters and in your crisper. I have 2 bowls of fruit - one on my dining room table, the other in a fruit basket just by the front door.
I love having it near the door as it helps me to remember to take a piece with me as I head out - usually an apple, pear or orange. The more involved fruit, requiring peeling like grapefruit, I leave as my in-house choice. Making healthy, fresh food accessible is an easy thing you can incorporate into your day.

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