Sunday, May 19, 2013

How to Help a Friend Through Heart Surgery

How to Help a Friend Through Heart Surgery

Do you know somebody who is a candidate for heart surgery? There's no question that it is an intense operation, and going into it alone can be a challenge. If you have somebody close to you who will be going through the process, there's no reason why you can't be there for them. Dealing with all of the logistics while having a difficult medical issue can be a real challenge, so your job can be to make sure that everything is all set for the operation to be a success. How can you be a big help for the person you care about immensely? Here are some suggestions:
Help Find a Good Doctor
If you really care about the health of your good friend, you'll want to make sure that they have the right person taking care of the heart surgery. Go with the person you care about to all the consultations. If you know their medical history, bring up anything that the person getting the operation may have forgotten. You want to be the researcher as well. The Internet has plenty of resources you can use to find qualified doctors. Look through forums and talk to people who have had a similar operation. You'll learn a lot more about the medical process as well, allowing yourself to become more educated and understanding of the situation. Hopefully, you'll also find the name of some qualified people who can talk to your loved one about the operation.
Be a Supportive Presence
A great way to help a friend through heart surgery is to create activities to help them get their mind off the upcoming surgery. Consider taking the person you care about to the movies or a sporting event. They'll appreciate that you're spending them with them. Keeping your friend's moral up is so important. You want them to go into the hospital with their spirits high and a belief that everything is going to be fine. This operation can be scary for everyone involved, but being afraid is not going to help anybody. Being positive and upbeat will help everyone else get through the process. Try to have your positive attitude rub off onto others.
Assist During the Post-Operative Phase
As your loved one recovers from surgery, they'll need some assistance while they recover. The healing process will certainly take time, so you'll be counted on to take care of basic tasks while they're stuck in bed. Work out a game plan head of time. Figure out what tasks will be assigned to you and what time of day it will be completed. Your loved one will appreciate your help, as they'll need somebody to maintain the important aspects of their day to day life, such as driving and putting away items. Always be willing to be on speed dial in case of an emergency. You want to be the dependable and primary contact. Make sure you ask the surgeon about any side effects your loved one may have after the operation, so you can identify any major issues and call the doctor as needed.

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