Sunday, May 12, 2013

Four BIG Mistakes People Make in Their Diet


Four BIG Mistakes People Make in Their Diet

Not enough small portions- When people diet they think to eat the least as possible and they kind of starve themselves in a way. Instead of eating 2 meals how about you train eating 5-6 small meals, why? Because when you eat 5-6 small meals every 2-4 hours you're metabolism speeds up. When you only put two meals into you're body how does you're metabolism know what its suppose to be doing?
Too much cardio- Did you know that after 60 minutes of cardio your body is realistically not burning fat anymore, its burning muscle? You ever wonder why people who lose weight rapidly from doing cardio get loose skin? This loose skin is FAT. That happens when you lose literally all of the muscle and the water in that area and its just fat. Keep cardio to 30 minutes 4-5 times a week because the cardio isn't what's going to ultimately kill the fat, the diet is.
Not enough water- You ever notice that the more water you drink the more you pee? There is a reason ya know! The more water you consume the better because you're body will get rid of it all because it doesn't need it because you're feeding it a lot of water which means you will lose water weight! You're body only holds on to the water because it needs to... But if you're constantly giving it to the body, it doesn't need to!
Not doing any weight training- Ever hear the term "lifting will make me bulky" Yeah BLAH BLAH BLAH, are boxers looking to be bulky? No they need to be quick to fight. Are golfers looking to be bulky? No they need agility and flexibility to be able to swing. Are Swimmers looking to be bulky? No they need speed and quickness not bulky muscles... But guess what? THEY ALL WEIGHT TRAIN! Just because you lift weights doesn't mean you will get bulky. It is a PROVEN fact that weight training BURNS MORE CALORIES than cardio does. Do yourself an awesome favor, get a good amount of cardio in AND weight training and see the beach body come out in no time.
I personally feel that these are four very, very big mistakes that some people think and make. If you want to get the results that are going to get you the body you want for summer you will need to get our of you're comfort zone!

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