Saturday, July 6, 2013

Get Thinner Thighs The Easy Way

By Mike Kincaid

In the battle to get thinner thighs, dieting doesn't even begin to help. The truth is that one has to exercise the leg muscles in order to burn fat that has accumulated around them. However, there is a risk that using the wrong type of exercises can cause these muscles to gain bulk, effectively making the upper legs larger. One must choose the proper type of workout and balance between resistance and repetitions in order win the battle.

In general, it is best to avoid resistance training of any kind that targets the thigh muscles. This means staying off the stair steppers and keeping resistance set to a minimum on ellipticals and treadmills. If one is walking in natural terrain, it is best to avoid paths that include a lot of uphill travel. The best workouts for thigh slimming involve only the body's own weight and many repetitions.

Walking is probably the best overall exercise one can choose to target the proper muscle groups and achieve thinner thighs. It is one of the most natural movements available and works each muscle group in the proper sequence. Walking is also good for toning and strengthening the core. Walking in natural terrain should avoid hills to limit the effect of gravity on resistance.

For those in better physical condition overall, running may be preferable to walking. However, one should focus on long distance running rather than sprinting. The reason is that distance running focuses on repetition of leg movements while sprinting focuses on strengthening the thigh muscles to obtain short bursts of speed.

To see the difference how one runs can make, all that is needed is an image of a sprinter to view side by side with one of a marathon runner. The sprinter will have thick, muscular thighs while the marathon runner will have longer, more graceful lines.

Dance is another excellent workout for the thigh muscles. There are several movements that one can learn that have been specifically designed to tone specific upper leg muscles. These moves are meant to promote long graceful thighs rather than bulky muscular ones. Traditional ballet instructors can provide instruction on how these moves should be performed and how many repetitions should be done to achieve peak results.

Regardless of the type of workout chosen, the key to ending a workout that has the goal of helping one get slimmer thighs is to stretch the muscles that have just been working. Yoga poses and several dance positions are available that can provide a good stretch that will help to keep the thigh muscles supple. Stretching and cooling down following a workout helps to train the muscles to relax when not working and keeps them from contracting, adding bulk when at rest.

Whether one is trying lose weight or simply tone up, diet is important. However, when working to get thinner thighs, diet doesn't play much of a role at all. The function of diet is to ensure proper nutrients are available to the muscles and to aid in burning fat overall. Choosing the correct type of exercise program to target the specific muscle groups that affect the appearance of the thighs without causing them to add bulk is the key to meeting this goal.

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